UWO's Ultimate Shipbuilding Tool

How much will your ship cost you?

Everybody has their own "best" ship class, ship form (Expedition, Cargo or Adventure), Ship Skills and so on...

But when it comes to COST, everybody agrees that the best cost is the MINIMUM cost.

Do you know how to make a cheaper ship? 

Will overmodding be cheaper? 

Will the use of premium/free FS parts result in a cheaper ship?

Truth is... Nobody knows and never will... without careful planning. Why?
  • Because prices changes all the time. 
  • Because SSIPs and FS Parts are scarce or unavailable.
So there are no hard rules here. You need to know what is available and how much they cost (In another words, plan it).

This was an uninmaginable amount of work for any mortal being... Until now.

In honor to the Order of the Prince update, UST now includes a built-in cost estimator that allows you to see the cost "on the fly"

Edit your blueprint and see how it affects the cost, in real time!

Best of all, it comes with an editable FS parts price list. Look, it's DEAD SIMPLE to use:

Just choose the parts and UST will automatically calculate all the costs for you:
  • How much SSIPS will cost
  • How much FS Parts will cost
  • How much each improvement will cost
  • And Ship skills, Fusion/grading...

Speed monster?

There are many ships that look good "on paper" but are as slow "as galleons". So, have you ever asked yourself:
  • Is this ship good? 
  • Is it fast? 
There are so many variables that affect ship speed that, up until UST's creation, ship speed was a product of guesswork.

In fact, in our previous GAMA server, many great ships were overlooked and underrated because most people did not know how fast they were!

People would pay a ridiculously high amount of money for slow ships and sell their fast ships for pennies to RESELLERs. In fact, Resellers would often trick people to believe in their "market price" and ignore objective performance indicators (like speed).

Ship's speed assessment is more important than ever since the Order of the Prince update.

As not all ships will have the same amount of improvements, it is not sufficient to know which ship ticket/fresh is faster.

Luckly there is UST again to help you automatically calcule ship speed and make informed decisions.


Order of the prince update has brought unlimitted modding.

No problem for UST's user!
UST has 30 improvement slots for you to play with

Ultimate Shipbuilding Tool's goal

UST (the Ultimate Shipbuilding Tool) was born to give Key Performance Indicators that even landlubbers can understand.

Users can now build, share and compare their blueprints with great ease because UST gives every ship three ratings:

1 - Speed Score

Speed score is a measure of your ship's resulting speed and will tell you if what you are doing is actually improving your ship's speed. You can even add your ship parts to evaluate your total speed! (New feature)

[##fa-check##] You can now compare different ship types, sizes, grades and mods!

2 - Construction Score

Construction score is a measure of your ship's completion.

Your ship starts with 0% score and it grows as you improve it.

A perfect ship (with everything maxed) receives 100% score.

[##fa-check##] You can now clearly see how much is missing to make a perfect ship.

3 - Least Cost Planning

Least Cost Planning will help you get your dream ship with the least amount of ducats.

Should I use more SSIPs or UWC parts?

No more guessing around. Save BILLIONS of ducats.

[##fa-check##] You can now test and figure out what is the cheapest for you!


  • First revision was made to resemble uwotool's interface and allow a smoother transition to the user.
  • All of the heavy class ships from the last captain's tickets and treasure cove;
  • Up-to-date FS parts and ship information from Maris server. Includes the new (premium) parts added by Papaya. No more stupid/expensive mistakes by lack of up-to-date parts!
  • Overmodding: No need to worry as UST has 30 improvements slots for you to play with.
  • Cost planning, so you don't have to sell a kidney to build your ship!
  • No need to know what you used in the past: Start your blueprint from where you are!
  • Grading, paneling, cargo/hold manipulation, skill addition and much more! 

Ultimate Shipbuilding Tool Example

Isn't it Cool?

Compatibility information

  • All heavy class ships (Including free and UWC ships)
  • New FS / Shipyard ships added upon user request.
  • Requires Excel 2007 or later (Works on office 365 desktop)


Supporters always get an updated copy.


What is UST (Ultimate Shipbuilding Tool)?

UST is a tool for shipbuilders and ship lovers to image their dream ship before spending money and time on it.

Why was it created?

The UST project was started because current tools were either outdated or incorrect (or both). In fact, other useful tools were discontinued by its creators (like uwotool.com and uwoplace.com).

Yes you heard it right, incorrect. Unfortunately Papaya is changing ship's base status so most previous knowledge about ships are not applicable to Maris Server.

The price of the FS part I wanted has changed drastically. Can I change its default price?

Absolutely! Just change to the "Cost" tab, look for the FS part name and edit the box next to it. (All "blank" fields are editable)

I already have an improved ship but I don't remember what I used on it. Will I still be able to use UST features (Speed, Construction and Cost Planning)?

Yes, UST is increadibly powerful but still very simple to use. You can catch up in 2 steps and start your planning from where you are.

I have an older version of UST, will it stop working?

No, you may keep and use older versions for as long as you like.


  1. It's very useful, I approved... my concerns

    Various ships were with wrong limits (MLMS, Ref. Zeehaen, INL), It's not a huge problem but we should double check always.

    Double-Acting Cylinder, Separate Condenser or any other FS steam part isn't avaliable.

    1. Thanks for your review Alfredo!

      I'll add those parts in the next update. Regarding the limits I'm still studying how to address it as Koei made it unnecessarily complex by having ship class specific limits / penalties.



UWO Headquarters: UWO's Ultimate Shipbuilding Tool
UWO's Ultimate Shipbuilding Tool
UWO Headquarters
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