Titles & Nicknames


What are Titles?

Titles are another game mechanic that gives you extra powers or perks.

For example, the Maritime Graduate title will increase the number of quests available at a maritimer mediator.

The more quests you can choose from, the more likely you will find what you are looking for.

Most of the titles are awarded automatically after you meet its requirments. In this case, you will have the Maritime Graduate title when you graduate from advanced school.

Choosing titles

Just click on the "change Title" button (See above) in your character information screen.

You will be presented with all the titles you can use:
If you have a title that is greyed out, then you are already equipped with it or it's not effective anymore.

That's usually the case for the Honorary Mayor title. When a new mayor is elected you may still "use" the title but it will give you no benefit at all.

Age Titles

Age titles are a special category withing the titles. They are obtained from "chrono quests" (the blue scroll ones). Examples:
  • Adept of Age(15 Century-P.1)
  • Adept of Age(16 Century-P.4)
  • Adept of Age(17 Century-P.5)
  • Adept of Age(18 Century-P.1)
So age titles normally have a century (14, 15, 16 etc...) and a "part" (P.1, P.2, P.3, P.4).

If you have the exact same century and part equipped you will have special trade goods, recipes, clues ganador (boss) and other show up.

Unlike the other titles you can only have two of these age titles at a time.

You will lose the oldest age title once you obtain a new one. EXCEPTIONS:
  • You will not lose the title you are currently equipping
  • The new title is the exact same as one of the one you already have.

List of Titles

Age Related Titles

Adept of Age (B.C.) [Title]

Adept of Age (Mythical Era) [Title]

Adept of Age(15 Century-P.1) [Title]

Adept of Age(15 Century-P.2) [Title]

Adept of Age(15 Century-P.3) [Title]

Adept of Age(15 Century-P.4) [Title]

Adept of Age(15 Century-P.5 [Title]

Adept of Age(16 Century-P.1) [Title]

Adept of Age(16 Century-P.2) [Title]

Adept of Age(16 Century-P.3) [Title]

Adept of Age(16 Century-P.4) [Title]

Adept of Age(16 Century-P.5) [Title]

Adept of Age(17 Century-P.1) [Title]

Adept of Age(17 Century-P.2) [Title]

Adept of Age(17 Century-P.3) [Title]

Adept of Age(17 Century-P.4) [Title]

Adept of Age(17 Century-P.5) [Title]

Adept of Age(18 Century-P.1) [Title]

Adept of Age(18 Century-P.2) [Title]

Adept of Age(18 Century-P.3) [Title]

Adept of Age(18 Century-P.4) [Title]

Adept of Age(18 Century-P.5) [Title]

Adept of Ages (14 Century) [Title]

Adept of Ages (19th Century) [Title]

Adventurer Titles

Merchant Titles

Adept [Title]

Vainqueur [Title]

Jobs & Roles




What are Nicknames?

Nicknames are cool nicks that appear above your ign (in game name). However, they're purely cosmetic. Example:

They do not give any special bonuses or perks but they do look cool. 

Nicknames are somewhat harder to obtain than titles. You have permanent nicknames and temporary nicknames.

Temporary nicknames are obtained from the following consumables:
  • Commercial Nickname Issuing Documents (No.1)
  • Commercial Nickname Issuing Documents (No.2)
  • Commercial Nickname Issuing Documents (No.3)

These nicknames are obtained by agent activity reward box and last for 15 days.

The permanent nickname type require you to make an "achievement" (like getting high notoriety points). When you make one of these achievements go to your title selection screen and click the nickname button (In red):

Note: If you are not eligible to a nickname this button will be greyed out (inactive and unclickable).

You can't write what your nick name will be. You will have to choose from 2 words / idioms to form your new nickname:
If you were on the victorious EPF camp and have actively participated, you will have:
  • 1st Selection: Greedy, Self-Righteous, Rebellious, Inhuman, Absolute
  • 2nd Selection: Bandit, Justice, Leader, Chivalrous Robber, Captain
Example: You could have a Inhuman Captain nickname. Or Greedy Leader. Your choice.

Nicknames, like titles, will not go away once their achievement expires. 

Just make sure you equip it before it does. You will only lose it if / when you change it.

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UWO Headquarters: Titles & Nicknames
Titles & Nicknames
UWO Headquarters
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