EX Equipments Master List

Have you ever seen one of these EX equipments been advertised?
  • Robe EX, 
  • Sanctus EX, 
  • Atromitos EX, 
  • Nanban EX
  • the list goes on...
If you did you will remember they are really pricey. You may be wondering:
  1. What's so special about them?
  2. Why does everybody want to buy them?
  3. Why are they so expensive?

What's so special?

Well, to sum it all, they are POWERFUL. To be honest OVERPOWERFUL (OP).

Quoting Sun Tzu: "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."

So, if you know your playstyle/business, and you know what are the EX effects, you will get powerful results.

They can make you faster at sea or inland. Improve your battle, trading or adventure capabilities... GREATLY.

Why does everybody people buy want them?

It creates an UNFAIR advantage for those who own these items. For example:

Traders can make their stuff for less money, charge less from customers, while still maintaining the same profit (and likely driving off competitors).

Maritimers get improved melee / cannon / plunder capabilities. Victory in battle becomes more likely even if you have less skills / experience or firepower.

But what is the catch, you might be asking? Well... these items are... EXPENSIVE.

Why are they so expensive?

Designers (KOEI) made EX equipment really costly by bundling premium (UWC) materials to make them AND adding a gambling system (much like fusion in shipbuilding). It means your production may result in failure (wasting you millions of ducats).

Also, the system is so complex, with so many interactions, that you may end up creating an item you DID NOT WANT, NEED or worst, that you CANNOT USE because it requires a title.

So why was this master list created?

If you read it this far you probably identified one or two EX effects that can help you improve your gaming style: Help you get rich faster, become stronger etc...

But there is no guide in english language available. None for Maris server.

There is information in japonese wikis but most of the information is UNREADABLE, MISLEADING or purely INCORRECT.

Yes jp wiki info are generally not applicable to Maris. Item names change and, most importantly, base / consumable materials were changed to our Maris / US based / Free to play server. Thus making the information incorrect.

Correct base item name and source

In transmutation alchemy you have to take the exact base item to your lab and than perform alchemy but...
  1. How do know which is the base item name? 
  2. How do you know which base item is the correct (Transmutable)? 
It is also not enough to have the correct base item name. It must come from the correct source or it will not be transmutable.
  • Is it the one bought from the item shop ? 
(There are EX item that only transmute from items bought from an specific item shop.)
  • Is it the one you make in a town / npc recipe? The one made from books? 
(There is also the case where the item bought from items shop doesn't transmute, even though he has the same name as the one made by a player!)

Where / how the base item is made

Now let's suppose you know the item name and where it is made.
  • How do you know if it needs a specific title like an age 18th period 1? (Yes there are EX item that need a specific age title AND period correct)

Accurate raw material needed

Too many people have made long trips, wasted hours and millions of ducats (Myself included) only to find out they didn't have the correct raw materials for base items or transmutation.

So there was only one way to figure it out what were the items, ingredients, base materials and EX equipments that provided what we wanted to get: Trial and error.

Papaya will love to have you making mistakes by yourself (doing everything again), as it will unavoidably lead to more sales and value to Special Purchase Bonds (SPBs).

Alchemy stuff is very expensive, so why make the same mistake again and again?

Thus the "EX Equipments Master List" was created. It intends to provide the complete recipe chain to any aspiring user or greedy alchemist - lol just kidding we are not greedy - ok maybe a bit :)

What does the EX Equipments Master List contains?

Our EX master list contains more than 50 (FIFTY) equipment listed and 17 (SEVENTEEN) different effects possible in ENGLISH language applicable and tested in MARIS server.

It also lists equipments by:
  • Equipment effect (type), 
  • Rank (bonus), 
  • Slot (where it is used), 
  • Title required (If needed), 
and it also lists all ingredients and raw / base materials (items) required for each item. Pure gold.

Who will benefit from this list?

This master list was made for players that want to :
  • Build cheaper EX items (if they have a trusted alchemist but not the alchemy skill themselves)
  • Make alchemy as a profitable in-game job
  • Have an independant, trustworth and fail proof recipe to making EX equipments.
If you're beginning in alchemy and just want to learn how to perform transmutation alchemy please read this guide. You must be able perform transmutation or have a friend who can before profiting from this list. Also this list does not include cash EX items from cove, tickets or the new legacy / sophia items. Only craftable equipments.


  • Requires Excel 2007 or later.
  • Last updated: June 14th, 2018
  • Available as a Free/Direct download to our high-tier supporters.


  1. Tudo bem Gelson blz?

    Fiquei com uma duvida, se eu pegar o tier do EX Equipments de $20, todos os outros anteriores também ficam liberados enquanto o patreon estiver ativo ??

    Gostei muito do site, jogava uwo faz tempo, agora estou voltando e achei excelente o trabalho por isso estava querendo ajudar. Vc ainda vai continuar ? Parabéns!!

    1. Oi Chapolin,

      Obrigado pelas palavras!

      Eu continuo trabalhando no site, sempre colocando conteúdos novos. E vou continuar enquanto houver interesse.

      No momento estou estudando uma forma de divulgar o jogo, já que a papayaplay não o faz. Mas claro que isso custa um $ de divulgação.

      Quanto ao patreon ele funciona por tier e eles são independentes. Mas sei que vc pode editar sua "pledge" se vc tiver interesse em outro conteúdo exclusivo. Quando vc vai de uma tier maior para uma menor ele não te cobra a mais.

      Mais uma vez obrigado pelas palavras e bom jogo!



UWO Headquarters: EX Equipments Master List
EX Equipments Master List
UWO Headquarters
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