How to Start to Play UWO (Beginner's Guide)

First of all I would like to say that UWO is a complex game with over 15 years of updates (So it has a steep learning curve).

This complexity also makes the game unique and appealing. We don't want to change that.

But having a hard time to start to play is NOT fun. And helping individual players get into the game, one by one, is time consuming.

So I decided to write a step by step guide for new players (A complete beginner's guide), including my experience with the most common pitfalls new players find.

Note: You can skip the steps that no longer apply to you.

Step 1: Download

You can download UWO's downloader on this page. 


In the past some people reported they could not click on the download button. 

It seems to be fixed now. However, if it doesn't work for you, you may use a different internet browser: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Chromium, Edge...

Note: You can also download it from steam. If you do, make sure you skip the steps below that don't apply to steam.

Step 2: Install the downloader

Yes, the file you downloaded is not the game but a small file dedicated to downloading the game.

You have to install it by:

1 - Accepting administrator rights (If requested).

2 - Choosing a folder to store it.

3 - Click "Next" (Or "install") when given the option.

Step 3: Let the downloader download

Now you just have to let the downloader do its job.


You need to be connected to the internet for the downloader to work. If you received the following error message...

1) You may not be connected or your connection may be down.

2) Your DNS server may have a problem (Check if you can browse other sites, if you can it is not the DNS' fault).

3) Papaya's site may be the problem. Try again later.

Step 4: Create an account on Papaya's website

While the downloader is downloading, go to Papaya's website and create a new account.


1) The account is not your in game name. Make sure you don't create an account with hard spelling like "arrkgdsgiytddjh". You will have to type it every time you log in.

If you receive the "Already registered email" message, then you are already registered. Go to the next step.

Step 5: Confirmation email

Papaya will send a confirmation email.

It should ask you to click on a link (As companies should confirm you are the owner of your email). But you should receive a confirmation email like this:

Don't delete it!

Step 6: Log in the game

First you need to:

1) Wait the download to finish.

2) Conclude the installation process.

3) If nothing is going on, you can start the game as usual by clicking on its link in the desktop. The game may patch itself to the newest version and close (That is normal).

4) Go to the log in screen and type in the account name (ID) and password you just created.


If the game says the ID and / or password is wrong, then double check the spelling. It needs to be the exact same you just created.

I often find people creating IDs like "newplayeraaaaeeee" and then entering "newplayeraaaaeee". Can you see what is wrong?

Yes, there is one less "e" in the typed ID.

Also check if your CAPS LOCK is on.

If it still does not work, try logging in papaya's website. If it works on the website then it must work on the game log in screen.

Step 7: Create a new character

Hit "create" and follow the next steps.

Step 8: Choose your Nation

I recommend you choose Spain or Portugal, because they are closer to school (Where you will learn the basics and get good stuff and ships for a quick start).

Note: For a brief nation overview check this guide. You can also defect to a new country later.

If you want to choose another country you will need a few extra steps to reach Sagres, where the school is.

Step 9: Choose how your character will look like

This step is easy and self explanatory. Please note that some characteristics may not be changed later.

I know there are items that can even change your character's gender but they are premium only (Real money). So be careful.

Step 10: Choose your job / class

I recommend "Adventure Learner" as it has more useful skills for beginners. Don't worry, you can easily change jobs later.

Step 11: Choose your gear

It really doesn't matter what you choose as it is possibly the worst equipment you can have in the game. Don't worry you will get better equipment soon.

Step 12: Choose your in game name (IGN)

Spaces are not allowed. Also do not use GM (Short for Game Master) or CA (Community Admiral) in the nick as it is against the terms of use (TOS).

Step 13: Confirm and start your adventure!

You will start in a building with a mini tutorial. Just follow it until you leave the building.

Step 14: Go to Sagres (School)

Note: Before going to Sagres the game will invite you to walk around the city and talk to some NPCs that will teach about their jobs. In any case, tutorials will pop up as you move around and do stuff.

Once you are out of the building, click the mini map in the bottom right corner. A bigger map will open up.

Click on any anchor symbol as it will transport you to the port NPC.

Talk to the "port guide" or "port official" NPC. Choose the option "to port".

Check your supplies ("Provisions") and "set sail".

The game will give you some tutorial on how to sail and etc... Just steer your ship to Sagres.

Pitfall: Where is Sagres? How do I get there?

Sailing is as simple as double clicking the seas in the direction you want to go. Entering ports is the same, just double click it when you are near it.

I've marked Sagres as a red spot on the maps below (I'm at Seville):

Note 1: The game won't have it marked as red.

Note 2: The top map is only available when you use the skill "Surveying" (Use skill => Surveying, if you have it). The book you earn as a beginner also has the same effect (Use item => Book). You are the light green arrow. Learning how to use skills and items is important (Check the tutorials if you are in doubt).

Note 3: The compass (Below) is available for everyone. Its disadvantage is that you need to interpret it (The references will "move" as you sail around just like a compass would, but it will always tell you where the north is).

Step 15: Graduate in school

Change your title when you arrive in Sagres. Hit "c" (Will open your character screen) => click "Change title" => click "Student".

Go to an instructor and take a quest:

  • Merchant Course Instructor (Trader's school)
  • Adventure Course Instructor (Adventurer's school)
  • Maritime Course Instructor (Warrior's school)

As you progress in the quests you will be given graduation "chests". I recommend you open these chests as they will give you very useful ships! It's the best you will be able to use in a while.

Note 1: You open these chests by using them. Check the "use item" button in the right of your screen.

Note 2: You can change your ship when you are in a port or with a shipyard master.

Note 3: You can and should do all schools (Quests), regardless of what was the initial class or job you chose.

What to do next?

Ok so you completed school. I can almost hear you say:

- "What do I do next?"

Well, there are lots of things you can do. And the best of it is that you can do it in any order you like!

Choosing a Class (Adventure / Merchant / Maritime)

The first thing I advise you to do is decide which class you want your character to be. It is not the same as what the game calls "jobs".

You see, the game has a limit in the number of skills you can have. And jobs limit what skills go higher than "10".

Of course, you can pick up any skill you like and change jobs easily:

But having a specialized character is very useful in mid / late game.

From my experience you can have up to 2 classes per character in late game (When you are high level). 

You can be:

  • Adventurer / Trader or
  • Adventure / Maritimer
  • Trader / Maritimer and so on...

While still having all relevant skills of each class.

In my General guide I list what you can do in the game. Figure out what you want to do in the game before proceeding.

Note 1: If you want to do lots of things at the same time you will likely need to create an "alt". Be sure to play and enjoy the game before doing so. 

Note 2: It's ok to try everything early with your initial caracter. Unlike other MMORPG, your choices in early game will not jeopardize your late game's power. You can always delete skills you don't need and specialize in other class and set of skills. The drawback is that you will lose the time invested in that skill you delete to make room for others.

Get relevant beginner jobs

Each class has an easy quest that gives the card needed to change jobs.

Adventurer: Adventurer guild's plight

Trader: The Merchant Guild's predicament

Maritime: Intercept the privateer fleet

You don't need to get all the jobs, focus on what you need (skills). If you want to be maritimer you will likely need the gunnery skill but not the accounts skill.

Having a job that has a skill as FAVORED has 2 benefits:

  • You can acquire the skill in ANY guild master (You need to be on the job).
  • You earn proficiency for that skill TWICE as fast (Compared to a job that doesn't have it as favored).

If you want to acquire a skill without having a job that favors it, you will have to meet some requirements and talk to a specific NPC to acquire it.

Challenge missions

There are a set of new player achievements you can complete and earn rewards. You will likely achieve them at some time as you keep playing (they are easy) but pursuing them is an interesting way of learning how to accomplish things in the game.

Complete your Nation's Storyline

The storyline is a chain of quests that have specific requirements and helps you unlock port permits earlier.

It is like playing the game in single player mode.

If you get stuck and don't know what to do check my storyline guides. It's designed to be as spoiler free as possible.

Get an aide

Aides are your NPC companions. They help you on your voyages and are very important to just about everything in this game.

They can sail an additional ship and use unique skills that can have a big impact on your activities.

Oxford University

Enroll in the oxford university as soon as you can. The skills you earn here are passive and will greatly help you.

It also has a very easy and straightforward storyline.

Unlock Port Permits

Port Permits are a way found by game developers to guide newbies through the game. They are unlocked by your fame level (First set of permits), by IQs (Imperial Quests) or charting (By Mercator in Amsterdam).

Note: The nation storyline gives you the port permits sooner than the official requirements.

Get a Private Farm

Did you know you can...

  • Claim an island for yourself? 
  • Produce trade goods?
  • Have exclusive production recipes?
Private Farms Guide

Sea and Land Charting

Uncharted is the name of the game, so why not chart (Explore) it?

Charting will literally take you to every corner of the world.

Boston Academy

Once you get a job that has an expert skill (+1) you can start to get powerful job specific skills. Fisher is probably the first and easiest expert job you can learn early on.

You also need the Caribbean port permit to access Boston.

Other ideas

This is stuff you can do at any time:

Don't worry, there is a lot more of things you can do. This list only covers early / mid game suggestions (The general guide has much more).

You may also pursue and track your achievements in UWO GL. It not only helps you finding new goals and keep track of what you've achieved but also builds a memorial that you can look back and be proud.

About this guide...

Most new players give up playing the game in the first 10 to 30 min. So it is crucial to give them a good experience in the first minutes.

And a good experience depends on not allowing them to get stuck before they can actually experience the game (Move around and do basic stuff).

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UWO Headquarters: How to Start to Play UWO (Beginner's Guide)
How to Start to Play UWO (Beginner's Guide)
UWO Headquarters
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