

UWO HQ is on Patreon.
(Patreon is the leading platform where users and creators join forces to build AWESOME stuff!)

You may contribute any amount you want (Custom pledge), for as long as you want.

Thanks for your interest in supporting UWO Headquarters development!

To show how much I appreciate, I have premade some "tiers": You may choose a unique piece of advice, tool or perks that are only available to my patrons.

Here are a few examples:

$5 contributors: Just wanna help (No extra perks).

$5.01 contributors receive my best battle XP grinding techniques.

$5.02 contributors receive my easy rowing grinding techniques.

$5.03 contributors receive my Fast Handicrafts Grinding Guide.

$5.04 contributors receive my Fast Alchemy Grinding Guide.

$5.05 contributors receive my Maxing your Adventure Level Guide.

$5.06 contributors receive my Accounts Grinding (and Refining) Guide.

$5.07 contributors receive my New Management Skill Grind Tips.

$5.08 contributors receive my Full Speed Ahead Guide.

$5.09 contributors receive my Building a Successful Company & Colony Advice.

$5.10 contributors receive my Pirate Evasion & Fooling tricks.

$5.11 contributors receive my trading skills Power Griding Secrets.

$5.12 contributors receive my Adventure's skill grinding (Unlock, Recognition, Ecological Research, Search, Astronomy, Archaeology, Appraisal, Art, Biology, Geography, Theology, Salvage).

$5.13 contributors receive my Money Making Machine Guide.

$5.14 contributors receive my Cheapest Trade experience Advice.

$5.15 contributors receive my Land Battle XP Grinding & Advice.

$5.16 contributors receive my Fastest Melee Grinding Advice.

$5.17 contributors receive my Choosing a Sailor Equipment Advice.

$5.18 contributors receive my Top Aide Skills List and Review.

$10 contributors receive my All in one Advice Package and includes all of the knowledge above and the ones I am still to create.

$15 contributors receive the Tools Pack 1: Ultimate Shipbuilding Tool and the Aide Search HQ.

$20 contributors receive the Tools Pack 2: The Nanban WizardEX Equipments Master List and the Battle Reports HQ.

$25 contributors (Admiral tier) get access to ALL of the knowledge and tools above.

$50 contributors (Fleet Admiral tier) get the same perks as the Admiral tier with the addition to getting lifetime credit in one page / guide of choice if explicitly agreed (perhaps the one guide that helped you the most?). The "Fleet Admiral tier" is an opportunity for those who want to show extra support.

$100 contributor (There can be only one tier) get the same perks as the Fleet Admiral tier with the addition to abolishing all ads in this website and getting credit for it.
Note: The "There can be only one tier" is also an opportunity for those who want to show extra appreciation and support. Any contribution is appreciatiated but anyone who chooses to donate $100 to a game content creator goes far and beyond what anyone would define as "generosity". Therefore I'll make sure NO ADS appear in this website for anyone (patron or not) and the main logo may display a custom logo, should the patron chooses (to boost his popularity... or infamy?):


General advice for newplayers:
Now go to Patreon and choose your contribution.

P.S.1: Gifts are found for direct download inside the Patreon platform. You can also download new updates with your patreon account.

P.S.2: The Nanban Wizard and the EX master list are an excel spreadsheet .xlsx (Excel 2007 or later is required). Libreoffice is reported to work.

P.S.3: If you don't want (or don't need) any of my special gifts, you may just ignore them.

P.S.4: Patreon changed the default rule somewhere in the middle of 2019 and new benefits are given for their tiers (So higher tiers does not necessarily have access to lower tiers). Example: Tools Pack 1 tier and Tools Pack 2 tier doesn't give access to lower tiers.

P.S.5: Patreon is a membership style platform: You can stay for as long as you want and stop your contribution whenever you like. However, if you only stay 1 month that's the same as a one time contribution so it's pretty much like a "donate now" paypal button. So feel free to stay as long as you like!


  1. Hello, I don't find other way to contact you guys, but I would like to get multiple things so I want to know how much or how should I pledge if possible thank you.

    1. Hello and thanks for the idea.

      I created an "Admiral" tier to give access to everything, all knowledge, advice, tools etc...

      You can contact me here or on patreon (includes direct messaging).

  2. Everyone's gaming interest change at times. If/when this happens to you, how can someone else update the pages?

    1. Hey Ron, thanks for your interest. I think I can name a another person (author) with creation / editing privileges. While everybody's gaming interests change over time, I'm always creating content thanks to the support of my patrons. That's one of the differences of this website in comparison to all the other uwo abandoned sites.

  3. So I am considering participating in your patreon. I was looking through your tiers and I saw one that includes a lot of the lower 5 dollar guides. Does the Admiral tier include all of the tools? And does the Ads tier include access to any tools?

    1. Hi MrRealandRight,

      Yes, the Admiral tier has all of the guides, tools, DM and you may also participate in the decision over priorities. The Ads tier also includes all of the perks from the Admiral (including tools, guides etc...), the difference is that you can advertise here in UWO HQ.

      Thanks for considering supporting the HQ project.




UWO Headquarters: Donation
UWO Headquarters
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