
What are Ornaments?

Ornaments are a type of Furniture that you can put in your quarters. They may make your home look cool, but that's not their only benefit


  • Cool quarters.
  • Cultural Contribution (If you meet Louvre's criteria).
  • Ornaments Effect (If you meet the requirements below).

Ornament Effects

Ornaments may be displayed in the Display Room. 

When ornaments are displayed, Display Points will build up, which will increase the effect rank of the Ornament Display. 

You may display up to 10 ornaments and get up to 5 ornament effects at a time.

At Rank 1, you will be able to benefit from Ornament Display Effects which will make your life easier (No effect under rank 1).


  • Quarters Rank 5.
  • Purchase Display Rooms at bank. (You need rank 5 quarters and 10m ducats)


  • Increase skill effect duration
  • Increase Dungeon treasure chest reward
  • Increase Treasure Hunt Clue acquisition
  • Reduce incidence of attacks on the sea (Can be shared to your fleet)
  • Reduce Vigour consumption (Not applicable to production skills)
  • Lower the risk of disasters on the sea (Can be shared to your fleet)
  • Headache reduction at the Archives
  • Reduce supply consumption
  • Increase Cultural Contribution obtained
  • Increase land speed (Can be shared to your fleet)

Ranking up Ornament Effects

You need to put ornaments in your quarters (Display Room). You need 10 points for rank 1, 30 points for rank 2 and 50 points for rank 3.

Basically you choose the skill you want and make or buy the ornaments that have +5 on that skill.

Note: The same ornament cannot be used more than once. Don't bother making lots of the same ornament just because it has more points.

Note 1: Each skill has 10 ornaments (total of 50 points) and you get rank 3.
Note 2: It does not stack with other equipment EX effects. Best rank will apply.

Earning Cultural Contribution

When displaying an Ornament in the Louvre (Paris), you will receive a certain amount of Cultural Contribution each day that it is on display (1 week limit).

After a week has passed you must go back, retrieve it and re-enter it for display for another week.

Louvre's Acceptance Criteria

For an Ornament to be acceptable, it cannot be from Europe, so ornaments like Stonehenge will not work. You will have to bring an overseas ornament.

Ornament Value

Cultural contribution depend on the star rating of the card tied to ornament:
  • 1 star = 100 points 
  • 2 star = 200 points 
  • 3 star = 300 points 
  • 4 star = 400 points 
  • 5 star = 500 points

Making Ornaments

Ornaments can be made by submitting a discovery to a Craftsman.

To create an ornament go to your local Craftsman or Sculptor and choose "Commission Ornament" button. Give him a Discovery Card, pay him and let him make it for you.

You do not need handicraft or any other production skill as it is a NPC recipe (Pretty much like a farm recipe).

Please note that:
  • If the discovery card is not with you, the ornament option will not appear.
  • The discovery card is lost in the process (not the discovery). 
  • Some ornaments are only obtained in special events (Like the Halloween Pumpkin type).
  • You can't make an ornament out of port or geographical discoveries.
  • There are some discovery cards that only a specific craftsman will work on.

List of Ornaments

The best ornament list so far is from Ivyro.

Where to Make

Ornaments are made at sculptors and craftsmans NPCs. Here is a list compiled from Ivyro for your convenience:

Southern Europe

Venice Craftsman
Tunis Sculptor
Naples Sculptor
Genoa Sculptor
Marseille Craftsman

Famagusta Sculptor
Salonika Sculptor

Seville Craftsman
Lisbon Craftsman
Malaga Sculptor

Northern Europe

London Craftsman
Amsterdam Craftsman
Antwerp Sculptor
Lubeck Sculptor
Bergen Sculptor


Country Colony Sculptor
Santo Domingo Sculptor
Lima Sculptor

Red Sea and India

Massawa Sculptor
Calicut Sculptor

Southeast Asia

Ambon/Ternate Sculptor


Mogadisahu Sculptor
Malindi Sculptor
Luanda Sculptor
Cabo Verde Sculptor

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  1. Hey, Just a correction on ornaments - it is not 10 pts per rank. Rank 1 is 10 pts but rank 2 is 30 (I'm guessing 10 for r1, +20 for r2 = 30) If that is the formula, then r3 should be 60 pts. Don't have the ornaments to be able to verify though.

    1. Thanks Logan, I will mark it for revision later.



UWO Headquarters: Ornaments
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