All about Mayors

Do you think city mayors in UWO go around city building like simcity right? They don't.

There is no such feature where you can build buildings and move around stuff... yet.

Well at least when we talk about city mayors. You can do that if you own a company and a colony. Directors can build and move stuff around in their  colony "city"as they please.

Becoming a mayor

Every month there is an election for each "allied" city. Territories, capitals and EA cities get no election or mayors.

The election is in a different day for each city so stay tunned. Check the next mayor election date in the "Honorary Mayor" tab from the city official.
Assuming it's the first election, the one that invested the largest sum of money will become the honorary mayor of that city for 1 month. 

After the first mayor’s term of office is over, a new mayor will be selected. 

If there is a new top 1 investor, then that player will become the new mayor.

If not, then the next mayor is selected from the 2nd-5th highest investors. Chances are as follows:
  • 2nd highest investor: 40%
  • 3rd highest investor: 30%
  • 4th highest investor: 20%
  • 5th highest investor: 10%

Benefits of a Mayor

Trade goods purchase amount preference

The amount of trade goods (quantity / stocks) is increased.

Local Specialties Combo Preference

Selling is more effective. Typical technique for EA goods selling.

Bank handling fees preference

Up to 20% reduction to the fee for withdrawing/depositing items to your bank and discounts for check handling.

Tow Permit purchasing preference

Increases the number of tow permits that may be purchased from the port. 

14 for players, 15 for the mayor.

Ship Rebuilding preference (All players)

Increases the chance of ship rebuilding success by 10%.

Ship Rebuilding preference (For the mayor) 

Mayor has +25% increase to the chance of ship rebuilding success.

Money from city officials

You can get weekly money from city official (up to 6.5m). This value is further increased by the following titles:
  • "Honorary Mayor": 20 %
  • "Great Honorary Mayor": 50 %
  • "Legendary Honorary Mayor": 100 %

Activity Requirement

To maintain your mayorship, you must remain active in game. 

Activity is measured by daily logins and fame gain (even if fame is maxed). 

If a mayor becomes inactive for too long, they may be removed from the investment board. 

This is only temporary; any investments they have are still valid, and can be reactivated by a new investment of any amount.

Activity measurement

You must obtain fame after you became mayor (Even if you are already maxed)

Unlocking city perks

You have a few alternatives to get to: 
  • Mayor contribution level: Energetic.
  • City’s activity level: Prosperity or booming.
Which are:
  • Daily login. Should take up to 3 weeks to get all the perks.
  • Gaining Fame during mayorship. You need 20,000-30,000 fame gained to unlock all perks.
  • Investing on the port you're mayoring. You need investiments of about 500-600m (On a trade job) to unlock all perks.
These perks are unlocked in the following order:
  1. Trade goods purchase amount preference
  2. Local Specialties Combo Preference
  3. Bank handling fees preference
  4. Tow Permit purchasing preference
  5. Ship Rebuilding preference
  6. Mayorial Ship Rebuilding preference (hidden for commoners)

Thanks to...

This guide was made thanks to players like you. 

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All about Mayors
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