Master Quest List (Quest Guide)


My objective here is to list all quest's requirements and contract locations without spoilers.

If you are looking for clues to finish a quest I'll also link it to the source (Quest guide). Linking prevents users from accidentally spoiling their adventure.

Note: This list does not include discoveries obtained from maps, treasure, folklore and other sources.

Check out my quest list below (Alphabetically ordered).

Quest List

4-eyed Deer

A Constellation That Includes Polaris

A bear wearing glasses

A Beautiful Flower and its Story

A beautiful isLand

A beautiful shell

A beautiful yellow circle

A bible for all

A bird like a horse

A bird like an over-fat goose

A bird of seven colours

A bird of two beauties

A bird that attacks birds

A bird that can speak

A Bird Unlike a Bird

A bird with practical use

A bizarre mouse

A black-furred creature

A blood thirsty tyrant

A Boat That Traveled Across the Story

A Bridge to Love

A cat that stands on two legs

A certain couple's marriage certificate

A city-state to match Ur

A collapsing masterpiece

A Collection of Beautiful Stars

A Constellation Inspired by Art

A Constellation Taken Away by a Coward

A continuous thread of culture

A contracting body

A country's great masterpiece

A cow with Phenomenal Horns

A crocodile that files

A culture without water

A custom made pot

A dangerous animal near the water

A dangerous young peak

A Decorated pole

A deep green blade

A Deer with Magnificent Horns

A different kind of dragon

A different manuscript

A different take on religious art

A Dispute over Ideas

A distant promise

A doctor's vow

A dragon that can swim

A dragon that swims like a man

A Dreaded Insect

A Dream to End the Nightmare

A false truth

A Father's Back

A Father's Lute

A Fine Landmark

A Fish which Drinks Nectar

A fish with wings

A fleet-footed rabbit 

A flower named after a bird

A flower to go in your hair

A Flying penguin

A Forest in the tundra

A Gardener's Worry

A General and a Secretary

A giant bird elegant on the wing

A Gift For You

A god or a monster?

A Great Comet in the ancient times

A Great King Who Was Sent to the Heavens

A Guidebook on Ancient Architecture

A Hero's End

A holy place surrounded by stones

A king's blood and the god's protection

A laidback whale

A large black stone

A large Coin

A large stone house

A legend that lived

A Light Shining Toward a wall Painting

A logical strategy for ruling

A log-like animal

A long journey to link dreams

A long, long beak

A lost culture

A Man in Blue

A miniature Venice

A monkey in the palm of your hand

A Mosaic Shell

A Motionless Bird

A Mountain Climbed by Everyone

A mouse covered in spikes

A mouse with no fur

A mysterious ancient god

A mysterious ancient people

A Mysterious Fish

A mysterious pattern

A mysterious shell

A mysterious text

A Mysterious Venomous Snake

A nearby fishing spot

A new book entry

A New Challenge

A new technique

A New Trend in the Arts

A Nourishing plant

A Nut that can be a staple food

A painting of miniature figures

A Particular Order

A Pearl Born from a Conch

A peculiar percussion instrument

A people decorated in gold

A People Who's After a Cow

A Pet Dog that is Easy to Raise

A picture of fruit

A Pirate Tale Handed Down in Europe

A pirate's symbol

A place in the stars

A Place Where Heaven and Earth Are Turned Upside Down

A Planet with Ears

A plateau larger than the country

A popular poisonous berry

A Quest from Copernicus

A rare flute

A rare medical text

A real paradise

A Red Foreheaded Bird

A relived goddess

A Respect Towards Nature

A Retrograding Planet

A river named for its size

A rock thrown by god

A Rolled-Up Lizard

A Round Mouse

A Saint of the Reconquista

A Scientific Constellation: Part 2

A Scorpion Which Shine to the Heavens

A Sea of Ice and Mist

A second Tower of Babel

A shadow from the age of king Minos

A Sheep that Shines to the Heavens

A single attack!

A sky of the promised colour

A slow moving animal

A small flying squirrel

A small green stone

A Small Island West of Britain

A small red bell

A Small, Round bird

A Snake That Spits Poison

A Spear Head which Shines Brightly in the Sky

A State Of Prayer And Meditation

A stone in relief

A strange and beautiful stone

A strange collection of poems

A strange frog

A Strange God of Hawaii

A strange painting

A strange stone

A strange way of playing

A Stylish Tablecloth

A sweet but strange individual

A swollen body

A Tail longer than it's body

A tale of years gone by

A talented poet

A thorough Investigation of a Czar

A Travelling Monk

A Tree like the Mulan Magnolia

A Tree Producing Syrup

A Unicorn's Horn

A Unique Sculpture

A very small gem

A vine that beats

A Vulture From The South Of Africa

A wise empress

A Wonder of the World, Giant Statue

A yet unseen blue

A Young Child's Studies

Abandoned Quest

Accessories favoured by craftmen

Accessories of a Pharaoh

Accessory made from beautiful shell

Additional Research About the Flute of the Natives

Additional Study of Decorative Sutras

Additional Survey of the Ruins of Pompeii

Adventurer's Bible

Africa Travelogue

African who crosses the seas

After the fighting has finished...

Ahead-of-Time and Heresy

Aid for a Researcher

Aiding in a Bear Investigation

Aim for the south west tip

Alishan Animal Investigation

Alluring fur

Alluring sweet smell

Alphabet or Symbols

Alternate hagiology

Always together

An Account of the Trojan War

An aged Mary

An Agonizing Decision

An amazing sight

An ancient dance

An Ancient Greek Pirate King

An ancient mystery

An Ancient Secret Ritual

An ancient yet highly advanced ship

An Animal Making Their Habitat

An Animal With Spiral Horns

An approaching sound

An argument over beaks 

An Emerald-Colored Snake

An endless dream

An Enormous Lake

An Errand From Da Vinci

An eternal smile

An interesting trick

An odd couple

An old knife

An unbalanced meal An uncharted small isLand

An untouchable flower

Ancestors' Land

Ancient Beliefs

Ancient Celadon

Ancient culture of Anatolia

Ancient currency from another country

Ancient Drawings

Ancient epic poem from India

Ancient forbidden text

Ancient Greek masterpiece

Ancient Life

Ancient Silk Fabric

Ancient warriors

Anecdote of a great king

Angel of the frozen ocean

Animal Friends

Animal like a camel

Animal like a guanaco

Animal much like a cow

Animal that does not show itself 

Animal that wears glasses

Animal with horns and a mane

Animals Living Underground

Animals that does not succumb to poison

Anonymous Thesis

Another Centaur

Another Name for Noah

Another Palace

Another Polaris

Another Religion

Another Repeating Bow

Another sailing line

Another Study on Koxinga

Another Temple of Apollo

Another Temple of Athena

Another world

Ants Feared by Canivorous Animals

Aphrodite's Tragic Flower

Appeal of a poisonous spider

Archipelago at the river's mouth

Arena of the Ancient Ruins

Armour of the head of the Templar Knight

Art or heresy?

Arthur of Wales

Artist of laughter

Artist to the king and the king of artists

Aspiration to Eden

At the end of the Caribbean

At the limit of the Pacific

Awe-Inspiring and Majestic Wings

Aztec God of Culture

Aztec god of fertility

Aztec god of the night

Babylonian exile

Babylonian Romance

Background to spirits and people

Balearic IsLands' terrain investigation


Bamboo Slip Buried in Earth

Banquet of revenge

Bard that stands on water

Barkeep's Worries

Basic ingredient of tequila

Battle for succession

Battle god of India

Battle of Ain Jalut

Battle of The Stars

Battlefield of the Vikings

Bay in east India

Bay in western France

Bear as small as a child

Beard-covered face

Beast that lives in big rivers

Beast with black ears

Beautiful basket in West Africa

Beautiful Fish of Korea

Beautiful head

Beautiful voice That Resounds in South America

Beautifully-Ornated Sutra Box

Beauty to which Vishnu lends a hand

Beauty who only appears at night

Before Journeying Out

Beginning of the Seven Wonders of the World

Beginning of the steam engine research

Behind history

Bell-Seeking Priestess

Beloved Wind Instrument

Beneath a cactus..

Better to Ask the Way than to Go Astray

Between Parent and Child

Between the isLand and the Land

Bewitching plant

Beyond Regret

Beyond the setting sun

Bible of Priest Advalu

Bible of Priest Brahman

Bible of Priest Hortrey

Bible of Priest Udgartary

Bickering among the seafarers

Big animal living on south east continent

Biography of a wild knight

Biological research in Wrangel IsLand

Biological Research of the North American Crane

Biological Survey of the Extreme North

Bird at the river mouth

Bird coloured blue

Bird Hunt for Love

Bird of Paradise Flower

Bird of the South, in the Skies of the South

Bird that carries fire

Bird that chases other birds 

Bird that divides a giant river

Bird that lives on the ground 

Bird that Sings

Bird wearing a crown

Bird with a handsome gaze

Bird with a white beard

Bird with high-Pitched Shrills 

Birdmen of Rapa Nui

Birds Getting Change

Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Black and white monkey

Black beast

Black forest isLand

Black Streaks Floating in the Sky

Black-faced Migratory Bird

Blank region in spice isLands

Blazing lizard

Blood suckers of the Amazon river

Blue Bird of the Far East

Blue Bird Wearing Makeup

Blue Gem of the Waves 

Blue Treasure

Blue turtle in a blue sea

Book Loved by the Ming People

Book of Chefs

Book of history and mythology

Book of skilled artists

Born of a Poisonous Snake

Borrowing a bed

Boss of the anteaters

Botticelli's Masterpiece

Bouquet for a lover

Branch of Hindu religion

Brave and proud man of the Aztecs

Bread and circuses

Breakout Work

Brilliant red


Britain's Leisure Spot

Bronze statue of saint and beast

Bronze work of Anatolia

Brown beast of the sea

Brushstrokes of Da Vinci

Buddhist relics

Bug Hunt Popular with Boys

Building techniques of ancient Egypt

Built cave

Bull of the Heavens

Burial Clothes of Ancient Kings

Buried ruins of Rome

Burned ruins

Burning Mushroom

Butterfly like Common Rose

Butterfly That Looks Like Gemstone

Butterfly that sticks to ground

Butterfly with beautiful wings

By Mistake or Design

Caesar and Cleopatra

Caesar's sword

Campeche Bay's Fortress

Cannot escape from poisonous snake

Canonical myths

Cape where Land ends

Carried by bird's wings

Carved history

Carving of a tyrant

Cat that flies

Cat that makes spices

Catch a salamander

Cats That Are Immune to Cold

Cattle of the Land of the far north

Cause of an argument

Cave in the Cliff Wall

Cavern of Swirling Clouds

Celt Shield

Ceremonial site

Chain of curiosity

Chains that bind the sea

Channel preserving clarity of Red Sea

Character Information Collection

Characteristics of a ceremony

Chariot of the sun god

Chasing Down Korean Paintings

Chorus of the Forest

City of an ancient culture

City of ancient Mesopotamia

City of gold

City of piled stones

City of the living

City to the Underworld

City towering over the Andes 

Claimh Solais

Clearly black and white

Cliff at Land's end

Cliff Face Drawings

Close to the storm

Clothing made by a maiden

Clues to the Land of Fables

Clues to the royal tomb

Clump That Lies in the Earth

Coastline bathed in sun

Code of ancient India

Collar colour

Collecting Clues on the IsLand

Collecting stones

Collection of proverbs using no text

Combat of Aztec warriors

Command of a skilled general Communicator of evil omens

Companions of fish with wings

Conquistador Cortes

Constelation of the Beast

Constellation made in Germany

Constellation of ancient Egypt

Constellation of goat and fish

Constellation Of The Stern

Constellation that appeared in epic

Constellations indispensable for navigation

Consultation about the bible

Contentious Chase for Large Animal's Bones

Contribution of agouti

Coral Sea

Coronation stone

Cosmetics of Cleopatra

Countless eyes 

Country of forests and water

Country of steel

Country of the Vikings

Cowardly Animal

Crab That Looks Like A Confectionery

Crafts of the Islamic culture

Craggy turtle

Craving of Jesus' resurrection

Creation story of the Yoruba

Creature known as a devil

Creature like a pincushion

Creature that does not fear man

Creature that remains hidden

Creatures around the Sebald isLands

Crest of the Dragon Slayer

Crest of the royal house

Crimson bird

Crocodile? Fish?

Crocodiles of the south east continent

Cross carved with the bible

Crusade of the people

Crusade Tradegy

Cu Chulainn's Manuscript

Cultivated Land of knowledge

Customs of Southeast Africa

Customs Related to a Holy Place

Da Vinci's altarpiece

Da Vinci's anatomical drawings

Da Vinci's first great work

Dance of Apsara

Dance of Beauty

Dance of the earth 

Dance of the Spirits

Dancing face

Danger at sea

Dangerous clouds

Dangerous creature in the mountains

Dangerous Strait

Dark shadow in the forest

Dear Good-luck charm

Death of a hero 1

Deer, Cow, Horse and Donkey

Defender of a maiden's room  

Defender of the age

Defender of the temple

Defender of the temple

Delicious black bird

Demon bones

Demon Island

Demon of the forest

Demon of the Sea

Demon's Servant

Demonstration of Strength

Depiction of an angel

Depictions of a perfect land

Descendants of the Dragon

Desert Plains

Desert Tortoise

Design Fitting for a Marriage

Destroyed Dynasty

Destroyer of western Rome

Diagram of Pure Land

Diamond with Magical Properties

Diary of an admiral

Different Producers

Disappearance of Something Existed Before

Disappearance of the Large Crabs

Disappearing Characters

Distant Hawaiki

Divine Candlestick

Divine statue holding a child

Divine statue shaped like a snake

Do all roads lead to Rome?

Doctor Seeks Poisonous Snake

Documented history of ancient Greece

Documents of Ancient History

Dog of Pride

Doting Father

Double Humped Camel

Dragon of Africa

Dragon of the New World

Dragon that lives in the forest

Dragon's fangs

Dream of the dead

Droplet of the aurora

Drunk on flowers


Dusk Cry That Evokes Sentiment

Earth shattering

Earthenware with Whirling Patterns

East beyond the archipelago

Eastern tip of the archipelago

Eastern tip of the desert

Ebb and flow within a narrow sea

Ecology research of monkeys

Education of a Famous Chancellor

Egyptian god of the sky

El Paso

Elemental faith of New Guinea

Elemental loss

Elephant handlers of India

Embracing feelings of homesickness

Emperor of eastern Rome

Emperor of the Aztecs

Enchanting Melody

End of the Angkor empire

End of the Storm

Endless battle between good and evil

Endless cornflower

Endless plains

Enemy of poisonous snakes

Entrance to the Adriatic Sea

Entrance to the Kingdom of Kongo

Epic Expedition

Epic of Creation

Epoch making painting techniques

Essence of Ointment

Establishment of Greek myths

Esteemed fragrance

Eternal Flower

Everchanging Saint

Everlasting Memories

Everlasting stars

Everything Comes to Those Who Wait



Exchange of Eastern and Western Religion

Expectation of Land development

Eyes that Stare into Chaos

Fairy King of Comedy

Faith Nestled in the Mountains

Faith of ancient Egypt

Fall of the Academic Capital

Fall of the Achaemenid Empire

Far Away, El Dorado


Fate of a Great General

Fate of the Sisters

Feather decorations

Feathers of the helmeted guineafowl

Feathers that Draw Attention

Feeling of life and death

Festival flute of the New World

Festival for Zeus

Fiendish Eels

Fiery Flower

Final dynasty of Egypt

Find a Landmark

Find the bones of a dragon

Find the merchant ship's cargo

Find the source

Finding a Subject for a Play

Fire god of India

Fish Caught in The Mix

Fish of the Land

Fish or Whale?

Fish that lives with sea anemones

Fisher's Friend

Fishing spot close to river mouth

Five wise emperors of ancient Rome

Flora that pay respect to the king

Flower blooming in the realm of winds

Flower of remembrance

Flower of tragic love

Flower Search for the City Girl

Flower that blooms below the equator

Flower that coexists with people

Flower that feels love  

Flower that grows in the deep forest

Flower that never dies

Flower that stopped time

Flower with blue wings

Flowers blooming in the land of extreme cold

Flowers for a Friend

Flower's Tears

Flute of Light

Fluttering Light among the Waves

Folklore of a White Fluffy Creature

Folklore of Demonic Being

Folklore of the Bonfire

Folklore of the Curing Pond

Folklore of the Demon Whirlpool

Folklore of the Edge of the World

Folklore of the Procession of Fireballs

Folklore of the Water Spirit

Folklore Regarding a Snake-like Creature

Folklore Regarding a Thunder Spirit

Folklore Regarding Human-Animal Marriage

Folklore Regarding Rainbows

Folklore Regarding 'Resurrection'

Folklore Regarding Rites of Passage

Folklore Regarding the Forbidden Areas

Folklore Regarding Utopia

Follow the ancient river

Food to support Edo

Foothold into the Caribbean

Footprints of the Residents of Plains

Footsteps of a great empire

Footsteps of those who came before

For the Herd

Forbidden strawberries

Forbidden Waters

Foreign Residents

Forerunner of the paintings of a beautiful women

Forge Remains

Forgotten memento of Pergamon

Form takes shape

Fortress of treasure

Foundation of jurisprudence

Founder bathed in blood

Founder of Buddhism

Four-Eyed Fish

Fox of the desert


Fragment of exile

Free living seaweed

Friendly Animal

Frog of Ryukyu

Fruit like a Dragon Eye

Fun and games

Furious Beast at Sea

Furniture of the world of Islam

Further investigation of Molucca Sea

Further investigation of Sebald isLands

Fusion of religions along the Atlantic

Future of traditions

G.T. Flying creatures

Gae Bulg

Galapagos, to the Farthest East

Gaya records

Gem protecting kingdom of England

Gems Of Europe

Gems of the Caribbean 

Gemstone the colour of blood

Gemstones of healing

General of the Hwarang

Gentle Shark 

Geographic research around Hawaii

Geographic Study of Hangzhou Area

Geographical Study of Anping

Ghost Grind Quest

Giant antelope in the forest

Giant ants

Giant fish as large as a ship

Giant in the High Mountain Area

Giant Pharaoh statue

Giant rock towers over sacred

Giant Sea Beast

Giant Shadow lying in the Mountain Current

Giant snake of India

Giant snake of the Amazon 

Giant tree of Africa

Giant tropical fish

Gigantic Creature in Mythology

Giorgione's Juliet

Girl Diligent in Studies

Girl who accompanied Cortes

Girl who sought John's head

Give pursuit

Give pursuit again

Give us fire

Glasswork from Venice

Glitter of longing

Glittering snake

Glory of Ur

God bird of rainbow colours

God of learning

God of rain

God of the lost underworld

God of war vs. god of war

God there at the beginning

God who brings chaos

God who sleeps in Aztec underworld

God with the head of a bull

Goddess born from the sea

Goddess of Egypt

Goddess of slaughter

Goddess of the Ecliptic

Goddess of Uruk

Goddess who deceived Melos isLand

Goddess's tree

Gods of Greece and Egypt

Gold Discus

Gold in the shape of a god

Golden age of the Achaemenid Empire

Golden Chain

Golden Flying Object

Golden Fruit

Golden monkey

Golden predator

Gooey Eel

Gorgeous Garden

Gorgeous Sutra

Grand Water

Grandfather's Portrait

Grave burial items of the Abbot

Grave of a great king

Grave of the Mayan king

Graves of Radames and Aida

Great palace of ancient Persia

Greatest authority among medical texts

Greatest epic from ancient Greece

Greek fire

Green dragon

Green egg

Green giant fish

Green Land of Spain

Green Traps

Guidance of the Stars

Half zebra

Hall Embedded in the Cliff

Hamburg's meistersinger

Hamlet's Poison

Hard defences

Harmful wild beast

Hawaiian traditional musical instrument

He who carried on the ideal

Heart of the Queen

Help with Tribe Investigation

Helping with silac relic study

Heretical Masterpiece

Heritor of the Divine Voice

Hero of Islam

Hero talked of since olden times

Heroic princess

Hidden treasures

High-Speed Fuzzball

Hiking is Booming

Hill? Or Mausoleum?

Hippo that hates water

Historical perspective of Islam

Historical River

Historical story of the Three Kingdoms of Korea

History better than a novel

History hidden in lettering on a crest

History of extravagant clothing

History of Korean Incense

History of Mysterious Tower

History of the Black Death

History of the Country of Steel

History through Charred remains

Hittite weapons of war

Holy flower

Holy linen

Hometown of Yellow Wind

House of God

House of Piled up bricks

House of the god of drink

How to Chant a Mantra

How to make wine

Huang Gongwang's Disciple

Huge mountains, New World's west coast

Huge tree of fire

Human-like Animal

Hunter in the trees

Hunting Dog of the Desert

Hunting dogs

Hunting in Mythology

Hunting Using Terrains

Huntsman lifestyle in Anatolia

Identity of sound

Idle world

Ignis Fatuusl of the Far East

Illustrious Generation

Imaginative power far beyond the norm

Immortal snake

Imparted burial items

Imperial Flower

Important trade points between East & West

In a different style

In pursut of the colour yellow

In Search of Iridescent Colors

In the depths of the town

In the middle of the Atlantic

In the middle of the ocean

In the middle of the Pacific Ocean

Incense Ingredient

Independent King

Indian elephants

Indian instrument

India's mother river

India's sacred river

Ingredients for Treat

Initial historical investigation

Initial investigation of an ancient city

Insect armed with a lance

Insect picture book

Insect with Snail shell

Insect? Fish

Insect-Snaring Plant Revisited

Intelligent Dandy

Intentions and Stated Reasons

Interest in Tang Dynasty Emperor

Interests of President Baldi

Investigate - isLand found by accident

Investigate - New World east of Malacca

Investigate - north Europe poison snakes

Investigate The Palace Of Menelaus

Investigating a Dangerous Creature

Investigating a village

Investigating Aquarius

Investigating Bones with Long Legs and a Long Neck

Investigating Cancer

Investigating of a Strange Rumor

Investigating Pisces

Investigating Strangely-shaped Bones

Investigating the Remains of a Cave

Investigating the Route Neugboring Nassau

Investigating the Shrine Ruins

Investigation - north west coast of Continent

Investigation - sea to east of New Guinea

Investigation into Slavic Mythology

Investigation into the Collared Dragon 

Investigation Near the Bering Strait

Investigation of a blue dragonfly

Investigation of a great river

Investigation of a Mysterious place

Investigation Of A Ritual

Investigation of a Snake With Horns

Investigation of bay in the Baltic Sea

Investigation of blue beast

Investigation of brown bear's habitat

Investigation of Canary IsLands

Investigation of capabilities of sable

Investigation of ecology on isLand

Investigation of flat creature

Investigation of gorge terrain

Investigation of Koxinga

Investigation of New World's east coast

Investigation of North American coast

Investigation of Quality Lumber

Investigation of Rano Raraku

Investigation of sea around Fiji isLands

Investigation of sea east of Manila

Investigation of South America terrain

Investigation of statues of Rano Raraku

Investigation of Stonehenge

Investigation of terrain around Africa

Investigation of terrain around town

Investigation of the Great King

Investigation of the habitant of sharks

Investigation of the Mysterious Pyramid

Investigation of the temple walls

Investigation of the Yakushima Monkeys

Investigation of west Balearic IsLands

Investigation of western Britain IsLands

Investigation of wild aurochs

Investigation on ecology of whales

Investigation Request from Sports Lover

Investigation: the Eastern ridge of the Northeastern Passage

Investigaton of the Pyramids of Giza

IsLand around Cuba

Island ceremony

isLand dwelling Apes

IsLand in the Indian ocean

Island of Culture

Island of Guinea Bay

Island of strange rocks

IsLand of the Gods in the Baltic Sea

IsLand of treasure

Island south east of Sumatera

IsLand that lies in a channel

IsLand that sees the stars

IsLand to the south of the channel

IsLand with Volcano

IsLands to the north of Britain

It Means Mountain

Item cut from gemstone

It's Not Only Ruins That Talks

Jaguar's Eyes

Java instruments

Java shadow theatre

Jewel cave

Jewel Of Ancient Egypt

Journey's end

Killer octopus

Kimono Design

Kind of ancient times

Kind of the tropics

King of all

King of Hellenistic Greece

King of Mycenae

King of Palenque

King of the beasts

King of the shallows

King of the sky

King of the underworld

King's Stele

Knights from the time of the Crusades

Kupe's wooden lance

Lake upon which a god descended

Land Desired by Biologist

Land lined with towers

Land of Coronation

Land of Extreme Cold

Land to which the king returned

Landscape within the Body

Large and violent dolphin

Large bay in western Gia Dinh

Large cavern Survey request

Large eyes

Large isLand in the Indian Ocean

Large isLand south of Manila

Large Island that Trembles

Large marshLands

Large peach coloured bird

Large Poisonous Snake

Large turtle of a warm sea

Largest of the Canary IsLands

Lautu's Boy of Interest

Legacy of the master craftsman

Legacy of Xerxes 1st

Legend concerning the giant living in the sea

Legend of beauty

Legend of the Labyrinthos

Legendary canoe

Legends From Crete

Legends of an ancient culture



Li Di's Masterpiece

Life essentials of the grasslands

Life in a history text

Life of a Strong-willed Woman

Life of the Knights Templar

Life-giving Script

Lifestyle of ancient peoples

Lifestyle on the southern continent

Light at the limits

Light in the Darkness

Light of faith

Lightning cutting blade

Lilly That Blooms in Waste Land

Limbs of an emperor

Line of giant stones

Lines Drawn on Rocks

Lion hearted

List of objects

Literature Research

Little old man of the forest

Livestock of High Mountains

Living Among the Skies

Living Eye-Beads

Living on the Steppes

Living stone fish

Living With Friends

Lizard that flies

Lizard that lives in the sea

Lizard that runs on water

Lizard that transforms

Lizard that walks on two legs

Lizard with a bright red face

Lofty Peak that Inspires Waka

Long and beautiful tail feathers

Long slumbering ruins

Long white clouds

Longest Epic

Long-legged Crab

Long-tailed Chicken

Looking at Foreign Lands

Looking for Its Kind

Looking for rare birds

Looking for World's End

Lorenzo's Collection

Love Story Told in Pictures

Lovely Waterfowl

Lump of fur 

Lunar Surface


Maiden Offering Flower to Heaven

Man from the Land of gold

Man holding a fighter's head

Man with a Book

Man with a moustache

Marble statue of Mary

Marble statue of Pegasus and goddess

Marble statue of the five wise emperors

Mare Pacificum

Mark of the Northeast Passage

Mark of the South

Mask of a god

Massive creature that lurks in rivers

Massive in Voice and Body

Master of Shan Sui Paintings

Master of the 7 wonders of the world

Master of the roar

Masterwork of History

Materials for a sea adventure story

Mayan art

Mayan god of the weather

Meaning of strange wall paintings

Medicinal Plant

Medicinal shrubs

Medicine and Poison

Medicine of the Medici

Medicine or Poison?

Medusa's eye, guardian of the people

Meeting a Legend

Memories in a bottle

Memory of stone

Merlin's staff

Mermaid of the Caribbean

Mermaid's tears

Mermaid's true identity

Mesopotamian Literary Scholar

Mesopotamia's Magic God

Messages from ancient times

Messenger Bird 

Messenger of the monkey god

Messenger of the white god

Method of Surveying People's Lives

Miracle of Perforated Wings

Miracle Told from the East

Miraculous cloth

Miraculous gems of Saint-Georges

Miraculous Lizard

Missing missionary

Missing pages of history

Model for Sha Wujing

Model of a Cool Hairstyle

Monarchy of Islam

Monastery under construction

Monk from the east

Monk who Travelled the South Sea

Monkey god who saved Rama

Monkey with a frightening face

Monster bird

Monster birds, again

Monster of investigation of sea

Monster of the Coast

Mosquito Lover

Most Expensive Dog

Mountain range in Lebanon

Mountain range Stretching in North American

Mountain Range That Rejects Mankind

Mountain shrouded in mystery

Mountain Wall Painting

Mountains of a legend

Mourning a tragedy

Moving mountain of needles

Moving Yellow Line

Music from a Distant Land

Mysteries Lies in the Details

Mysterious Beach

Mysterious Dirt Clump

Mysterious Doll

Mysterious flower of southern country

Mysterious Island

Mysterious light

Mysterious Rock Art

Mystery deep in the forest

Myth of Dogon

Myth of the Zulus

Narrow Path to the Eastern IsLands

Necklace of memories

Neither Big Nor Small

New style of religious art

Night parrot

Nimbly moving crab

Noble Flower

Noble flower of Africa

Nomad Ants

North China Building Investigation

North China's Ancient Civilization

North Continent Landscape

Northern most tip of Eurasia

Northern Penguin

Not the Work of Nature

Nude art with a mythical theme

Object of faith

Observation equipment in the night sky

Ocean in the Sky

Officer's conclusion

Offshoot Artist

Old text of the Hittites

Oldest steam engine

Omen-bringing Bird

On each of the promontories...

On the backs of our fathers

On to the Plains of Freedom!

Once More for Taiwanese Bird Investigation

One aiming to become the ultimate king

One Allure of Yakushima

One More Time For Taiwanese Investigation

One paradise that actually exists

Only One God

Ore Deposit to the East

Origin of Biographies of Saints

Origin of Manchester

Origin of Manuscript

Origin of Sancai

Origins of Old Testament Stories

Owner of deerskin

Painter's Fine Handiwork

Painting based on Greek myth

Painting by a merchant

Painting for a Lofty Maiden

Painting from EngLand

Painting of faithful saving Saint Mark

Painting of Saint's chronicle

Painting of the Tower of Babel

Painting that covers a ceiling

Paintings of Michelangelo

Palace in Hanyang

Palace's Medical Book

Pandemic Once Again?

Panic in the darkness

Paradise at sea

Paradise of flora and fauna

Paradise on Earth

Parasitic plant of Africa

Passion and Trending

Past of King's Castle

Pattern of black and white

Peach Coloured Beach

Peach coloured bird

Peculiar fruit

People Have Different Preferences

Personification of god

Phantom butterfly

Phantom under a Blue Sky

Philosopher of South America

Picture from Military Epic

Pioneer in the Age of seafaring

Pioneer knights of Germany

Pioneer's record

Pirate Theory

Place where birds gather

Place where goddesses gather

Place where north and south divide

Placed Bell

Plan to rear peacocks 

Plan to sail across the Atlantic

Plant that catches insects

Plant that wishes for prosperity

Plateau of Reddish Brown

Poem of Love and Stars

Poems that Don't Mesh

Poisionous snake that eats other snakes

Poisonous Butterfly

Popular Souveneir

Port city town of Maya civilization

Portrait of a woman in a veil

Power to protect the future

Powerful poison

Practical, yet artistic goods

Prayer and Redemption

Prayer Sutras

Predator carrying a sack

Predecessor's Discovery

Preparation for peril

Preparation for pilgrimage

Present for a Nobleman

Present for a Sickly Mother

Pride of each of them

Princess Aurore's Tiara

Principe island

Produce of a good harbour

Proof from a Historical Novel

Proof of a new wife

Proof of a Warrior

Proof of ancient trading routes

Proof of glory

Proof of having saved a Roman citizen

Proof of the former king's rule

Proof of the Preaching 

Proof of warrior

Prophetic Dream and Collection of Tales

Protective charm from ancient Egypt

Putting One's Courage to the Test

Puzzles from a Visionary

Quality fabric material

Queen of ancient Egypt

Queen of Palenque

Queen of Pegu

Question Concerning Festival

Raging Emperor

Raging Large Waterfall

Rain, Rain, Fall, Fall

Rainbow in the ocean

Rainbow that Stands on Snowy Mountains

Raphael's Madonna and child

Raphael's masterpiece

Rare Japanese Musical Instrument

Rare wings

Real or a dream

Reason for desire for blood & hearts

Reason to Stay, Unrequited Dreams

Recalled Words

Recapture of the Masterpiece

Recommendation for site investigation

Record of a magnificent journey

Record of a volcano

Record of Cortes's adventures

Record of Eruption

Record of Goryeo

Records of a good king

Records of the Seven Wonders

Records of those who believe

Red Waterfall

Regarding Missionaries

Regarding Prince Duarte

Regarding Prince Pedro

Region of Many Earthquakes

Region requiring a close watch

Reinforced bows from EngLand

Re-Investigation Of Rhodes

Relationship between desert and ocean

Relic of the Country of Steel

Relic of Three Kingdoms Period

Relics of an Egyptian king

Religious city on strange rock

Religious Paintings of Korea

Remaining Glory of Hegemony

Remains Brought In

Remembrance of an emperor

Remnants of the Punic Wars

Renowned Mount of Rituals

Renowned Taoist Mountain

Reputation of Sakai

Request for Cooperation from Market Keeper

Request for Investigation of a Far Away Land

Request from an anatomist

Request from Europe

Request from Port Royal

Request needed for Studies

Requirements For Soldiers

Research an Ancient Theater

Research into ancient Egyptian

Research On Frescos

Responsibility and choice

Restorer of ancient Rome

Revival of ancient gods

Revival of the Trojan war

Revival of the western Roman empire

Ring of Nibelung

Rising seas

Rites and charms

Ritual For Reconciliation

River From Revelations

River of the grotesque

River raised by ancient culture

River that feeds the Black Sea

River that supports a dynasty

Road to the empire

Road to the west coast of the New World

Road to Vinland

Roadside Trees with a Difference 

Roaring Thunder

Rock Paintings At A Sacred Place

Roland's Horn

Roof and Spine

Rooted in Barren Land

Rootless Grass

Rose Colored Lake

Round and fluffy

Ruffian of the Amazon River

Ruins in IreLand

Ruins in the Oasis City

Ruins of a Legendary King

Ruins of an ancient Roman city

Ruins of ancient Mesopotamia

Ruler of Northern Europe

Ruler of the lake

Ruler of the skies

Rumorous Plant

Rumors of a Fine Place to Fish

Rumours of a mask from Ceuta

Russian leather

Russia's Origin

Sack-like plant 

Sacred Grounds of the East

Sacred place beyond the desert

Sacred Place Of The God Of Healing

Safety of the western seas

Same bird, different colour

Sanctuary of Lower Egypt

Sand Flower

Satisfying the Desire to Learn

Saved by Tableware

Scenery of ancient Greece

Scenery that still lives on

Scholar's request

Scientific constellations

Sculpture of offering

Scylla & Charybdis

Sea beast with black eyes

Sea Creature covered in Scars

Sea of evil

Seach for a Gold Dog

Search for a Scarlet Insect

Search for Mesopotamian culture

Search for the African Elephant

Search for the difference

Search For The Mountain Of The Gods

Search for the Vanished Star

Searching for His Sister

Searching for paradise

Searching for the navel

Searching Hawaiki

Seashell beach

Secluded Towers

Secret of the hidden recipe

Secret of the Mount

Secret writings from India

Secrets of war

Securing the Arabian line

Seeking Immortality

Seeking Land for Pilgrimage

Seeking Peace

Seeking the right words

Selection of the site for 2nd supply port

Selfishness from a noble

Semi-transparent white statue

Sending It to the Starry Skies

Shade Blossom Map

Shadow in the darkness

Shadow that dances in the night

Shallows right in front of you

Shallows where anyone can fish

Shamen of Africa

Shapeshifting of a Young Maiden

Shark with a long tail

Sharp Hooves

Shell that makes treasure

Shell's treasure

Shining Bug

Shiny Snail Stone

Ship of plants

Ship of the Starry Skies

Ship Safeguarding Trees

Ship that sails underwater

Ship's Grave

Shirley Poppy

Short sword of Zenobia

Short-lived flower

Siberian musk

Sibling Planets

Signpost to Calicut

Silent Drum

Silkworms and Can Cong

Silver and a river

Singing mouse

Size of Zheng He's ship

Skull of a Large Fish

Sleep of the Inca Kings

Sleeping goddess

Slope in the square

Slow moving monkey

Slugish shark

Small Animal Appearing in the Yangtze River

Small bird and a mountain

Small bird only found in Africa

Small Dragonfly

Small Fruit

Small isLand that makes great wealth

Smiling insect

Snake that defends Buddhahood

Snake that flies

Snow Melting Flowers

Soap Making in the Past

Soaring Crimson

Soldiers in the palm of your hand

Solitary isLand in the sea

Someday, I'll Return

Something that should not be seen

Something weird in undeveloped Land

Son of Cleopatra

Sophistication and beauty

Soul of a goddess

Sound of stone in the ruins

Source of elemental power

South China Great Buddha

South tip of Africa

Southern tip of Ceylon isLand

South-western tip of Iberian Peninsula

Souvenir from the Moors

Split of Domination

Sport of Oceania

Spreading Islamic Religion

Stain of the sun

Stained Glass of the Madonna

Standards for beauty

Standards of Joseon Politics

State of love affairs

Statue of a beautiful women

Statue of a fast and ferocious animal

Statue of a heavenly horse

Statue of a Wise King

Statue of Akshobhya

Statue of Amitabha

Statue of Amoghasiddhi

Statue of an ancient Greek god

Statue of an ancient hero

Statue of an animal with a pouch

Statue of an unknown creature

Statue of Gautama Buddha

Statue of Guanshi'yin

Statue of Hindu god

Statue of Madonna and child

Statue of mounted Roman emperor

Statue of Ratnasambhava

Statue of sacrifice

Statue of the god of destruction

Statue of the god of the sea

Statue of the god of war

Statue of the greatest Greek God

Statue of the Greek games

Statue of the moon goddess

Statue of the sun god

Statue of the tyrant Nero

Statue that overlooks the Nile river

Statue that Protects Seafarer

Statue with the head of a lion

Stolen epitaph

Stolen goldwork statue

Stone Favored By a Specialist

Stone pillar of Prester John

Stone Pillar Standing in the Earth

Stone ruins

Stone statues of Mesopotamia

Stone walls of the Incas

Stories linked by rings

Story of a unique bird

Story of divine justice

Story of the Trojan War

Strange Bond

Strange Characteristics of the Dragon

Strange dragon bones

Strange Relief

Strange scenery

Strange Ship of Orchid IsLand

Strange stone Monument

Strange to the Max

Strangely Coloured Frog

Strangely Shaped Boulder

Strange-shaped Relic

Strategy for Mercenaries

Striped Bird

Strong limbs

Strong Wood

Study Demand for Region

Studying for Imperial Examinations

Studying Safety Around Tamsui

Studying Silla

Studying the Beginning of the Joseon Dynasty

Sun butterfly

Sun Flower

Supporting Facts

Surviving the Desert


Sweet fragrance of invitation

Sweet Smelling Tree 

Swimming bird

Swinging tail feather

Symbol of authority

Symbol Of Courage

Symbol of Sovereignty

Tai Gongwang's Fishing

Tailed Butterfly

Taishang Laojun

Taiwan Bird Investigation

Talisman of ancient Egypt

Tax Substitution

Tears of a Queen

Temple dedicated to Shiva

Temple dedicated to the sun god

Temple of Ramses 2nd

Temple of the God of Agriculture

Temple of the Goddess

Terrain around Greece

Terrain Investigation of Taiwan East Coast

Terrain Study Near Tamsui

Terrible wife and horrible mother

Terror seen in the caves

Testimony of Father and Son

That which is brought by god of thunder

That which remains in memories

That which should not be on land

That which the letter represents

That's not Right

The "Law" of ancient india

The 5th world

The Acquisition of Fire

The Alexandrian war

The Ancient Cliff

The Andes' mother god of the Earth

The Appearance of a Prophesized Comet

The Arc depicted in the night sky

The Archer that Aims for the Scorpion

The Authenticity of Poetry

The Aztecs and obsidian

The Band in the Southern Sky

The Banshee's Tears

The Barren Expanse

The Bay of Monsters

The bear of the frozen Land

The Beautiful, Dreaming You

The Beauty of its Form

The Beguiling Fur of the New Land

The Best Dog

The Birth Of Pegasus, And Thereafter

The Birthplace Of Hercules

The Bizarre

The Bizarre Plant

The Bones of a winged dragon

The bounty of the frozen sea

The Bright Orange Star

The Cathedral Dedicated to the Holy Mother

The Circle of the World

The Constellation derived from the Scripture

The Constellation made in France

The Constellation Made In The NetherLands

The Constellation of a Bird of India

The Constellation of the Ethiopian Queen

The Constellation That Was Made ??in Poland

The constrictor

The Continent's Mountain

The correct station for an artist

The Country of Pirates

The Country of Prester John

The Creature That Flies Over The Sea Surface

The crown of Apollo

The Da Vinci Code

The Dance of a Righteous Messenger

The dance of beautiful women

The Daughter Of King Minos

The dignified blue flower

The dignified one

The dream of Solomon

The Dream of the Large Bird

The Emperor's Villa

The End of a Vow

The epic poem of Dante

The everlasting star

The Famous Hunters Of The Savannah

The Fastest Monkey

The final king

The first new continent

The flightless bird

The Flowers Engraved On The Columns

The Formation Of Huge Waterfalls

The Fortune Telling Guide in the East

The Fortune Telling Tool from the East

The Fragrance of the Bible

The fragrant ocean

The frozen sea

The Future of the Land of Grapes

The gathering place of pirates

The gentle emperor

The Geographical Information of Northeast South America

The Geography of Eastern North America

The Giant Hill

The Giant of the Southern Sky

The god descended upon a lake

The God of Voodoo

The god who gave death

The god who returned to heaven

The golden age of the Kievan Rus'

The golden mask of the fertility goddess

The Good Acts of a Farmer's Daughter

The great desert

The great pioneer

The Great Seafarers, the Viking

The greatest black pearl

The greatest goddess

The Greatest Place

The gregarious artist

The Groom's Reputation is on the Line

The Happiness of Large Family

The harp that allures

The heavenly, uninhabited isLand

The Hero Who Shines in the Night Sky

The History of Humanity

The Holy Grove

The Horn of the Sea

The Hot Springs of Britain

The Huge Image Of The Sun God

The Image South by Aristocrats

The Inhabitant of the Frozen Sea

The invisible Pharaoh

The isLand found on no map

The Island's Constellation

The Jewel of Paris

The Jewel, hidden in the sea

The King Flower

The King of Madagascar

The king who became a saint

The king's library

The Lake of Mystery

The Land of beginnings

The Land of Ice

The Land of the Legendary King

The Land Where Buddha Was Born

The largest isLand in the Caribbean

The Last "God"

The Legend of one who cannot die

The Legend of the Hunting Dog

The Legend of the Kraken

The Legendary City Rich With Gold

The Legendary Cowboy

The legendary king

The Legendary Minstrel

The Legendary Skilled Physician

The Lion of the Heavens

The Lives of the Vikings

The long, thin desert

The lost elixir

The man who built Baghdad

The Meaning of Mother's Words

The melancholy of Durer

The Memories of a Saints

The Missing Right Arm

The Model of Babel

The most beautiful book in the world

The most beautiful ocean

The mountain dog of judgement

The mountain that she stares at

The next generation

The Noble's Desire

The North American Large Cow

The north-western coastline of France

The Oldest Wakashu

The one who eats bamboo

The one-eyed tiger

The Outcome of the Match

The palm of a giant's hand

The Patchwork Gate

The people who live in New Guinea

The Persian channel

The Persian Sea

The phantom red-faced lizard

The philosopher and his bad wife

The philosopher's stone 

The place feelings reach

The Poem of VinLand

The Poem that determined Victory

The Polestar and the ladle

The pot's identity

The Prince's Regrets

The promised future

The Qualifications and Resolve to Know

The Queen and the Monkey

The Queen of Ethiopia

The Reason for Peach Colour

The reborn bible

The Record of a comet

The Red Sea

The relief of the ancient emperor of Rome

The residents of nomadic herders

The Residents of the Plains

The Return Of Theseus

The right to chase legends

The ring of a particular girl

The Rise of the Roman Republic

The Sacred Cliffs

The Sage's Staff

The Scale of the Night Sky

The scarlet hunter

The Scent of the Late Summer

The second circumvention of the globe

The Second Volume

The Settlement Site in Greenland

The Sextant of the night sky

The Shift in Roman Policies

The Shining star in the night sky

The Singing Dog

The sinking continent

The Skills of the Mongolian Archer

the Slavic Sun God

The Snow Goddess of Hawaii

The Soaring Pillars

The Song From North America

The Sound of Bronze

The sound of water in the darkness of night

The Sounds of the Land

The Spaniard who became a Mayan

The Spear of Longinus

The Spirit Bear

The Spread of the Word

The Spring Triangle

The Star of the Goddess of Beauty

The Star shining of the southern sky

The Stolen Memento of the King

The Stone Raised by Giants

The Story Of A Bull Monster

The story of a maiden

The story of an Amazon

The story of Rama and Sita

The story of rivaling warlords

The Suffering of a Large Family

The Sultans

The Sultan's Coronet

The sun crossing the sky

The Supreme Cup

The supreme Hindu god

The Tail of the Lion

The Tallest Mountain In the World

The Tastes of the Season

The Three Angels

The Timbre of Conversation

The Tips of the Mountains

The Tree that Blossoms Fire

The Trick To Attracting Customers

The Troubadour of Ancient Greece

The true southernmost tip

The Truth of the Temple

The Two Guardian Beasts

The ultimate in realism

The ultimate mole

The Unchanging Land

The unknown isLand

The Urn Patterned After a Face

The vanished ancients

The vast ocean

The Vitality of a Large Family

The Volcano goddess of Hawaii

The western tip of Africa 

The Winged Human Engraved on a Copper Plate

The World of Frozen Seas

The Writings of Galileo

The youth of a genius

Theft of the goddess of fields

There lies the emperor's mountain

Thesis Review Support Request

Those left behind

Those who dwell on the sacred river

Those Who Seek and Those Who Lead

Those Who Tell Stories

Those who the Law Does not Protect

Those who Touch History

Thoughts of a Great Land

Thracian large swords

Threatening Poisonous Snake

Tiger Bones With Medicinal Effects

Tiger Survey in cold climates

Tiny Hairball

Titans Range

To know the Monk Saicho

To my beloved wife

To the Continent's Interior

To the east of Madagascar

To The King's Road...

Top Painting of The Day

Torso that catches the wind

Town dedicated to Goddess of Beauty

Toy-Like Percussion Instrument

Traces of a Settlement

Traces of The King of Paekche

Tracing an adolescent king

Tracing an adventure

Tracing Back the Footsteps of Xuanzang

Trade routes at sea

Trading Post Established by Royalty

Traditional Russian instrument

Traditional Stringed Instruments

Trajectory of a Superior Officer

Trans-archipelago shipping route

Transparent Fish

Travel Account of Xuanzang

Treasure in which a fairy dwells

Treasure of Asmodeus

Treasure of Astaroth

Treasure of Baal

Treasure of Belial

Treasure of Ilkhanate

Treasure of seven colours

Treasure of the bird and sun

Treasure of the kings of Troy

Treasure that chooses people

Treasure Trove of Strange Stones

Treasures of Atlantis

Tree of the Far Away Hometown

Tree revisited by a traveller

Tree that loves the sun

Tree's leaf monster

Trends in religious art

Trial and error of Vermeer

Tribute Sugar Investigation

Tristan's sword


True face of Evil

True face of the Villian

Truth of the Insect Story

Truth of the Ship with Royalty that Sank

Tu Di Gong

Turtle that could beat the hare

Turtle that doesn't go into the water

Twenty-two piece tapestry

Two faces

Two Names of a Fighter

Two Separate Ways

Two Younger Princes

Tyrant of ancient Rome

Uffington White Horse

Unbelieveable speed

Unconventional Shark Research

Undecipherable scripture

Underground Churches

Undying Plant

Unexpected Source

Unexplored River


Unidentified Sea Creature

Unification and religion

Unique depiction of Madonna & child

Unknown Stone Figure

Unmoving Butterfly

Unreadable Letter

Unreadable manuscript

Unseen Dogs

Unusual dance

Unworthy Book

Utensil Tree

Utilizing the Castle

Value of weight


Various Forms of Love

Various Ink Paintings

Vehicle ridden by Gautama Buddha

Velvet wings

Venice church ceiling painting

Venomous Snakes Of Africa

Verification of a legend

Vestiges of Paekche

Violin-like insect

Vital Location in North

Wakashu, Second only to Manyoshu

Walking on Ash

Walking the Ancient Ruins

Wandering Butterflies

Wandering Roman

War for domination

War Story that Calls for Peace

Was the Mythology Created First?

Washed up cargo

Water falling from distant heights

Wavering Uranus

Weapon that pierced a demon god

Weapons of ancient peoples 

Western progress of the nomads

What Different Versions Signifies

What Gives Blessings

What is left behind by the instructor

What is Truly Important

What lurks in the Amazon River?

What the young boy saw

What Underground Tombs Speak Of

When sending a gift

Where fire sleeps

Where the sun rises

Whereabouts of the Monk

White bird and black bird

White coat

White flower

White hart

White sails on the land

White whale

Wife of the hero god

Wilds of red sand

Winds of a Champion

Wine Trade in Colonial Town

Wise King's Conquest

Wish of a Seafarer

Wishes and Burdens

Wishes from the Edge of North

With a heart full of memories

Words from Persian parables

Work of master and pupil

World Born from Chaos

World of possibility

World's Famous Treasure

Worries of a young man

Worries of the master

Wreath of flowers

Wrinkled earth

Writing of Great Wisdom

Yangtze River Goddess

Yoruba Myths

Yuan Dynasty of history books

Zeus' attendant

Zheng He's ship's log



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