The Complete Guide to Pets

Welcome! This is what you will find in this guide:

  • What are pets
  • How to choose your pet
  • List of pet skills
  • List of pets
  • How to get a pet
  • How to unlock your pet's skills
  • What is Intimacy and how to increase it
  • Favorite and acceptable food for each pet
  • How to make Pet food and Toys
  • Intimacy Grinding Guide
  • Pet Training Skill
  • General Tips

What are Pets?

Pets are your non-human NPC companions. And they look nice next to you in a bazaar.

Pets may aide you in several activities:

  • Trading: Procurement, collection and fishing.
  • Adventuring: Exploring landing zones, searching for stuff and making discoveries.
  • Maritime: Helps with plundering.
  • Sailing: Passive caution skill.

How to choose your pet

Each character (toon) can only have one active pet at a time, so it is usually a good idea to plan ahead which pet you will want.

Most people will choose a pet by its skill set. But you can also look at the skill requirements or the looks of the pet.

If you don't plan to level up your quarters or skills you may as well make sure the skill you want is the first or the second.

The pet skill you want is one that will enhance your play style. Think of what you do in the game, go to the next section and select the ones that will benefit you the most.

Pet Skills

Pets have special skills that may help you on your voyages. They're passive which means it will trigger automatically. It will trigger more often if your more intimacy (A concept I explain below).

Fish Searching

When fishing, your Pet will attempt to find the presence of additional fish. Chance to obtain additional Trade Goods. Success rate increases with Intimacy.

Additional discovery

After making a Discovery, your Pet will attempt to search for items. Success rate increases with Intimacy.

Area search (land)

After using the Procurement or Collection Skill on Land, your Pet will attempt to search for items. Success rate increases with Intimacy.

Area search (sea)

After using the Procurement or Collection Skill at Sea, your Pet will attempt to search for items. Success rate increases with Intimacy.

Area search (land and sea)

After using the Procurement or Collection Skill on Land or at Sea, your Pet will attempt to search for items. Success rate increases with Intimacy.

Pet plundering (land and sea)

After winning Sea Battles, Land Battles or Deck Battles, your Pet will attempt to search for items. Success rate increases with Intimacy.

Pet plundering (land)

After winning Land Battles or Deck Battles, your Pet will attempt to search for items. Success rate increases with Intimacy.

Pet plundering (sea)

After winning Sea Battles, your Pet will attempt to search for items. Success rate increases with Intimacy.

Area scouting

After using the Surveying Skill on Land, discover enemy locations. Amount of locations increase depending on the Pet Training Skill Rank.

Area caution

Chance to decrease rate of enemy encounters for Sea Battles. Success rate increases with Intimacy.


Chance to decrease rate of enemy encounters for Land Battles. Success rate increases with Intimacy.

List of pets and its skills

Pet Name1st Skill2nd Skill3rd Skill
Quarter Rank 1
CatArea search (land)Area scoutingPet plundering (land)
Persian catFish SearchingArea search (land)Scare
Calico catFish SearchingArea search (land)Scare
Siamese catFish SearchingArea search (land)Scare
ChickenArea search (land)Additional discoveryPet plundering (land)
TarsierPet plundering (land)Pet plundering (sea)Additional discovery
KiwiArea search (land)Pet plundering (land)Additional discovery
PlatypusFish SearchingAdditional discoveryPet plundering (sea)
Frill-necked lizardScarePet plundering (?)Area search (land)
Arctic foxAdditional discoveryArea search (land)Area scouting
ChinchillaAdditional discoveryArea search (land)Pet plundering (land)
Pygmy MarmosetArea scoutingArea search (land)Scare
Red PandaScareFish SearchingArea search (land)
HorseArea scoutingAdditional discoveryPet plundering (land)
Quarter Rank 2
DogArea search (land)ScareAdditional discovery
ArmadilloPet plundering (land)Area search (land)Additional discovery
Macaroni PenguinFish SearchingArea search (sea)Pet plundering (sea)
KoalaArea search (land)ScarePet plundering (land)
WombatPet plundering (land)Area search (land)Area caution
MeerkatPet plundering (land)Area search (land)Fish Searching
Peafowl (Peacock)Pet plundering (land)Area search (land)Fish Searching
Taiwan MagpieArea search (sea)Additional discoveryArea caution
Asiatic Black BearPet plundering (land)Fish SearchingAdditional discovery
FlamingoPet plundering (sea)ScareArea scouting
Quarter Rank 3
MacawPet plundering (sea)Area scoutingAdditional discovery
Spectacled OwlArea scoutingAdditional discoveryPet plundering (sea)
ToucanAdditional discoveryPet plundering (sea)Area scouting
KangarooPet plundering (land)ScareArea search (land)
OcelotArea scoutingArea search (land)Pet plundering (sea)
AnacondaScarePet plundering (land)Area search (land)
Komodo DragonScareArea search (land)Pet plundering (land)
OrangutangScareAdditional discovery
Giant ant-eaterAdditional discoveryArea search (land)Scare
JackalArea search (land)Additional discoveryArea scouting
Giant TortoiseAdditional discoveryPet plundering (land)Scare
CobraScarePet plundering (land)Area search (land)
Quarter Rank 4
Land IguanaScarePet plundering (land)Additional discovery
DodoArea search (land)Additional discoveryPet plundering (land)
Giant PandaScarePet plundering (land)Additional discovery
CoyoteScarePet plundering (land)Area search (land)
TurkeyScareArea search (land)Additional discovery
Japanese CranePet plundering (sea)Fish SearchingArea scouting
Premium Pets
Sea lionFish SearchingArea cautionPet plundering (land and sea)
Japanese catPet plundering (land and sea)Fish SearchingArea caution
Siamese cat (Officer)Pet plundering (land and sea)Fish SearchingArea caution
Siamese cat (Princess)Pet plundering (land and sea)Fish SearchingArea caution
Shiba InuPet plundering (land and sea)Area search (land and sea)Scare
CapybaraArea cautionArea search (land and sea)Fish Searching

You can also find some premium pets here.

How to get a pet

Once you know what skills you want (Or the looks of your pet) it is time to get it.

You can get a pet:

  • As a reward from a quest or a challenge (For beginners).
  • From other players. Other players may obtain them and sell it to you (Which includes premium pets).
Pet NamePreposition or ChainQuest
Quarter Rank 1
Cat-The tale of a cat from the city of water
Persian cat-The Young Girl and the Cat
Calico catMemories with a catThe Tortoise-shell Cat
Siamese catA legend that livedThe Cat, a Testimony of Appreciation
Chicken-Chicken deliveries
TarsierLarge eyeStrange eyes
KiwiLump of furKiwi's Wings
PlatypusBlack bird map
Peach coloured bird
Looking for rare birds
Creature that does not fear man
The bizarre
Earth shattering
Duckbill Poison
Frill-necked lizardLizard that walks on two legsThe missing frill-necked Lizard
Arctic fox-Memorial Album - A Form of Love
ChinchillaRound and fluffyThe love for chinchilla
Pygmy MarmosetLittle monkey's prank
Red Panda-Papaya Starter Pack lvl.50
HorseJustine Storyline
Scribbled power of attorney
The Injured Favourite Horse
Quarter Rank 2
Dog-Together with a friend
ArmadilloHard defencesLessons from mother nature
Macaroni PenguinThe island found on no map
Creatures around the Sebald islands
A bird that swims
KoalaOn the backs of our fathersKoala Advice
WombatThe ultimate moleThe Wombat's Hole
MeerkatA cat that stands on two legsObserving the lovable meerkat
Peafowl (Peacock)Plan to rear peacocksSmall Peacock
Taiwan MagpieSwinging tail featherCaring for the Taiwan Magpie
Asiatic Black BearHistory of the Three Kingdoms of Korea
Harmful wild beast
Proof of a Warrior
The Fierce Creature
FlamingoThe long, thin desert
Large peach coloured bird
Place where birds gather
White Flamingo
Quarter Rank 3
MacawA bird of seven coloursThe rainbow-coloured gift
Spectacled OwlAnimal that wears glassesThe sage of the forest
ToucanCause of an argument
An argument over beaks
The two clowns
KangarooTwo faces
Give pursuit
Give pursuit again
Kangaroo Panic
OcelotLynx cats map
Beast with black ears
Hunting dogs
Creature that remains hidden
The heartless ocelot
AnacondaLizard bone map
The sword of St. George
Relayed by legends
Dragon slayer
Brave George
Bones of a winged dragon
The constrictor
What lurks in the Amazon River?
Giant snake of the Amazon
The dragon and the Anaconda
Komodo DragonLizard bone map
The sword of St. George
Relayed by legends
Dragon slayer
Brave George
Bones of a winged dragon
Crest of the Dragon Slayer
Dragon of the New World
Giant snake of India
Descendants of the Dragon
The boy and the komodo dragon
OrangutanBird wearing a crown
Story of a unique bird
Gems Of Europe
Same bird, different colour
An amazing sight
That which remains in memories
Carried by bird's wings
Gratitude to the man from the forest
Giant ant-eaterAn unbalanced meal
Boss of the anteaters
Taking care of the giant ant-eater
JackalWild dogs mapThe rogue jackal
Giant TortoiseInvestigate - island found by accident
Mystery deep in the forest
Investigation of ecology on island
A little something for the big snappers
CobraPoisonous snake that eats other snakesDelivering Medicine
Quarter Rank 4
Land IguanaT'ika and the land iguana
DodoTo the east of Madagasacar
A bird like an over-fat goose
Wanted dodo
Giant PandaBear as small as a child
Barkeep's Worries
Bamboo eater
CoyoteCoyote Troubles
TurkeyDelicious black birdThe Cardinal and the delicious bird
Japanese CraneRed-faced Bird MapTo Chase a Bird

Note: Some pets are premium and may be acquired with a consumable like:

Tip: The Expert Pet Breeder allows you to have one more pet in your quarter.

How to unlock your pet's skills

Your pet’s skills are unlocked based on your "intimacy level" and your "Pet Training" skill.

You can find this information by clicking in "character" -> "Pet information".

From the left to the right you can find:

  • Your pet skills (All 3 unlocked in this example)
  • Quarter's rank required (Rank 2 in this example)
  • Your intimacy level (200 / all maxed in this example)

If you have a question mark in your skill it is because you do not meet all requirements to use it. Hover over the skills to see the requirements.

I'll talk about intimacy first and then I talk about the pet training skill.

What is Intimacy and how to increase it

Intimacy is a way developers found to express the bond between you and your pet. With an actual metric you can now level it up (Or increase it).

As shown above, the current maximum intimacy is 200. But you can't get it from 0 to 200 in one go.

There are two ways to improve the intimacy of the pet:
  • Pet foods (Feeding)
  • Pet toys

Most pets can accept two kinds of food, one called favorite food, another one called acceptable food.

  • Favorite food: Intimacy may increase up to 5 by using a favorite food.
  • Acceptable food: Intimacy may increase up to 2 by using a favorite food.

There are some pets that only eat 1 kind of food, so it is automatically its favorite food.

You can always feed your pet on land or at sea.

Pet toys: Using a toy can increase up to 5 intimacy.

Note: Pet toys can only be used when your pet calls your attention at sea.

Favorite and acceptable food for each pet

Here is a list of what each pet likes:

Pet NameFavorite FoodAcceptable Food
Quarter Rank 1
CatMixed pet food (meat)Meat chunks
Persian catMeat chunks
Calico catFresh fishLive fish
Siamese catMixed pet foodMeat chunks
ChickenMixed foodCut vegetables
TarsierTropical foodLive prey - cricket
KiwiMixed bait - insectsLive prey - earthworm
PlatypusMixed bait - insectsLive prey - earthworm
Frill-necked lizardMixed bait - insects-
Arctic foxLive prey - rat (?)Fresh fish
ChinchillaMixed pet food (vegetables)Cut vegetables
Pygmy MarmosetMixed bait - insectsLive prey - cricket
Red PandaMixed pet food (vegetables)Cut vegetables
Quarter Rank 2
DogMixed pet food (meat)Meat chunks
ArmadilloMeat ballsLive prey - cricket
Macaroni PenguinLive fishFresh fish
KoalaEucalyptus leaves-
WombatMixed pet food (vegetables)Cut vegetables
MeerkatMixed bait - insectsLive prey - cricket
Peafowl (Peacock)Mixed bait - insectsLive prey - cricket
Taiwan MagpieMixed foodPeeled seeds
Asiatic Black BearMixed pet food (meat)Meat chunks
FlamingoMixed foodPeeled seeds
Quarter Rank 3
MacawMixed foodPeeled seeds
Spectacled OwlMeat ballsLive prey - rat
ToucanTropical foodCut fruits
KangarooMixed pet food (vegetables)Cut vegetables
OcelotMixed pet food (meat)Meat chunks
AnacondaMixed pet food (meat)Live prey - rat
Komodo DragonMeat ballsMeat chunks
OrangutangMixed pet food (vegetables)Cut fruits
Giant ant-eaterLiquid foodLive prey - ant
JackalMixed pet food (meat)Live prey - rat
Giant TortoiseCactus steakCut vegetables
CobraMixed pet food (meat)Live prey - rat
Quarter Rank 4
Land IguanaMixed foodCut fruits
DodoMixed foodPeeled seeds
Giant PandaBamboo leaves-
CoyoteMixed pet food (meat)Meat chunks
TurkeyMixed bait - insectsMixed food
Japanese CraneMixed bait - insectsLive prey - earthworm
Premium Pets
Sea lionLive fishFresh fish
Japanese catLive fishFresh fish
Siamese cat (Officer)Mixed pet foodMeat chunks
Siamese cat (Princess)Mixed pet foodMeat chunks
Shiba lnuMixed pet food (vegetables)Meat chunks
CapybaraMixed foodCut fruits

How to make Pet food and Toys

You can make, obtain or buy pet food and toys from other player. Ivyro still has the best list.

So, if you want to make them, these are the NPCs you need to visit:

Click to enlarge

Intimacy Grinding Guide

Intimacy from 0 to 30

You can basically feed your pet up to 30 without sailing.

This means getting the food he likes and using it (Just like any consumable).

Intimacy from 31 to 100

Once you get to 30 you will need to sail to be able to increase it more.

Every 5 days of sailing will allow you to increase 1 intimacy point. Please note it doesn't actually increase, it just allows you to increase it (By feeding your pet like I explained above). So 10 days at sea will allow you to increase to 2 intimacy points.

When counting the days on sailing, it counts all days between the last time you fed and now.

Recap: If your intimacy is not increasing, just sail. Yes, you have to be moving.

Intimacy from 101 to 120

After intimacy reached 100, the intimacy can be increased if your pet needs an action (e.g. your pet says he/she needs an attention, your pet feels lonely, your pet is looking a little hungry, etc.) at sea then you feed or play toy with him/her.

Intimacy from 121 to 200

After intimacy reached 120, the acceptable food cannot increase intimacy anymore, ONLY favorite food or play toy can increase the intimacy when your pet wants an action at sea.

Skills and consumables

You can shorten your grind with the Boston skill "Breeder skills 2".

Premium consumables that can also shorten your grind:

Pet Training Skill

As I said before, the pet training skill (A player skill) is necessary to acquire pet skills. It is also passive, so you don't have to "use it". 

You can get it two ways (as usual):

  1. From a job that has it as favored (Such as Breeder and High Seeker)
  2. Or learn it from the NPC "Queen Consort Maria" (Antwerp).

Grinding pet training is very easy, you just have to sail around (Just like sail handling) or use your pet in landing zones (Like collecting and procuring). Make sure you have a pet with you.

You can increase the rank of your skill with Boston skill "Breeder skills 1".

General Tips

  • The intimacy will remain if you transfer your pet between your characters by shared storage.
  • The intimacy will be clear to 0 if you transfer your pet to another player in another account, the intimacy of previous pet will be added to your first pet in your bag (if you have).
  • The intimacy won’t be decreased if you feed food but your pet doesn’t like.
  • The intimacy won’t be decreased if you don’t feed your pet at all.
  • That means you should always bring your pet with you even you don’t have food for them, the intimacy won’t be reduced but intimacy limit will be increased.
  • You cannot feed your pet at sea if your other three skills are using already.
  • Your pet will show up when you having a bazaar if your pet’s intimacy is over a certain number.
  • The intimacy will be decreased if you leave your pet with the Trainer. It happens when you take a new pet to go with you, so your previous pet will switch back to a card in your inventory.
  • To avoid the intimacy reducing, you can put your pet in a bank vault or strongbox.

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The Complete Guide to Pets
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