A Complete Guide to Oxford University

Welcome to my uncharted waters online oxford university guide!

What is Oxford University?

Oxford University is a game feature that allows you to earn very useful skills and boosters like:
  • Increase ship speed
  • Increase production success
  • Increase skill rank
  • Earn easy experience and fame
  • And much more...
By the time you are graduate from university you should be able to equipe 5 skills at a time (Yes, they stack) and up to 60,000 college credits.
Tip: Don't wait until you are more experience! These skills are powerful!

Where is Oxford?

Oxford is a city you can access by going to London and talking to the chariot guy. He will take you to Oxford by the land route.

How do I start university?


  • Adventure Level 5
  • Trade Level 5
  • Battle Level 5
If you don't have english language (a skill), requirements are a bit higher. Get it with Erasmus (Amsterdam) or Duke Farnese (Seville) before going to London.

How to

Once in Oxford, talk to the Professor located inside the university.
It will start the university storyline. Don't worry! There is no wrong answer to the NPCs.

After the cutscene talk to the professor again and choose a thesis to do. I recommend Scholarship Orientation from 1 star building.

You can complete it just by sailing around for a while. This thesis gives you a very useful Oxford skill (Gives you 20% more credits per thesis completed). A must for newbies.

When you get the "thesis completed" message you need to go to a scholar or the professor at the University. This is counted as 1 (one) submission, regardless of the thesis difficulty.

Getting more thesis

You need two things:
  • Keep doing thesis
  • Get higher skill ranks (Base only, booster items don't count).

By Thesis Submission

After a number of submissions you will get called back to the professor in Oxford. This will unlock new thesis and new buildings.
  • After 12 thesis you should have 2 star building unlocked. 
  • 30 submissions and you unlock the 3 star building.
  • 50 submissions and you unlock the 4 star building (Last building).
And you may graduate when you have completed over 100 submissions.

Please note that's not a hard rule. If you delay your visits to the professor, in another words complete more thesis before meeting him, you will need more than 100 submissions.

By improving your skills

When you get higher skills ranks new thesis oportunities will open up to you. Remember you have to visit the professor or they won't be available in your regular scholar...

Check the Oxford Skill list for the skill's requirements (Base only). Once you meet it pay a visit to the professor.

Grinding College Credits.

The easiest way to grind college credits is to choose a thesis that just require you to sail around like:
But I also understand that a speed grind is very important in the beginning. So here is my advice for newbies

Tip 1: Remember to have the "Scholarship Recognition" skill equipped for extra 20% credits.
Tip 2: Cities with active mayors give bonus credits when reporting. Note that capital cities like London do not have a mayor.

Newbie Grinding

  1. Go to London.
  2. Take "Scholarship Orientation" from the scholar or professor.
  3. Buy EA goods from London's player bazzar next to the market keeper
  4. Sell a few units at a time, enough to achieve 100k (100,000) ducats in profit. Usually 3-5 units should do.
  5. Every 10 selling cycles you will complete the thesis. Report to the Scholar in London's archives and repeat the quest.
After the 20th or 50th submission you should be really bored. On the other hand you should have unlocked important thesis like the "Human Activity".


If you are too poor to buy EA goods, you can do Field Techniques thesis instead. You just need collection or procurement or fishing r2.

Sit outsite port fishing until you finish your thesis and report back to a scholar.

Late Grind

You should already have by now the two most important "passive" thesis, which are:
Just sail around, complete thesis and follow the events at university until you graduate.

If you really want to actively grind, my suggestion is to sail from London to Naples and back to London (Use tow permits for your convenience). One trip completes Scholarship Orientation and a round trip completes Human Activity. You can also do Lubeck / Marseilles (Shipwreck History in a round trip).

Alternatively you can find a city with scholars that also have an active mayor (gives +20% bonus credit): San Francisco, Lima, Calicut and so on...

Easy College Credits

These are really cheap (and obtainable in game):
Most people choose "Increase ship speed 4". Sometimes all 4 increase speed skills.

But it really depends on your play style or strategy. 

So the rule is "Find a skill that enhances your characters". Don't worry, you can change it later. 

In fact it is absolutely normal (and expected) that you change your skills from time to time or depending on the circumstances.

Equipping you Oxford Skills

Go to your skills
Click "College"
Click "Skill Settings"
Choose your skills
Skills in effect are on the right side. The left side shows all skills you have (ready to use but not in effect).

Please note you can tell how many credits you have (60000 in the example) and how many skills you may have equipped (5).

Skill Slots

We used to earn our skills slots like this:
  • 2nd skill slot after 1000 credits earned. 
  • The 3rd at 5000 credits. 
  • 4th at 20000 credits
  • 5th at 50000 credits
It should be a bit harder now since we can go up to 60k credits.

List of Oxford skills

To help you find your ideal oxford skill I sorted the list into broader categories:

Adventure Skills

Battle / Maritime Skills

Trade / Production Skills

Navigation Skills

Skills that are useful for your Company Colony

Bonus & Grinding

Thanks to...

This guide was made thanks to players like you. 

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A Complete Guide to Oxford University
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