What makes one a nanban PRO?
Is it the one who runs nanban all day? I don't think so.
Doing the same thing over and over again is called grinding and everybody agrees that's not fun. No wonder why most maritimers despise trading.
Also, nanban grinding is not as profitable as the nanban trading designed by KOEI.
Heck these nanban grinders are blind as hell. Some people will just do Saori over and over again when they could sell these nanban goods to the market keeper for:
During the anniversary economic boom. |
And yet... lots of people bazaaring Saori for up to 80k right next to it...
As people are given the same trade routes... rince and repeat they say... there are steep stairs to climb to get those huge profits you were promised. Don't worry I'll elaborate along the post.
Time (speed) is the most valuable commodity in this game (You know you trade time all the time).
Naturally, time is a common beachmark for many things we do in game, nanban trading included.
Successful traders, nanbaners included, are the ones who get the most profit in the least amount of time.
So what makes one an experienced/successful nanbaner? (most ducats per hour)
It means being able to adapt to constrains and get the most of it.
But let's be honest: Nanban Trading is so complex that it is hard to adapt!
There are:
- Over 520 trade goods in UWO that you can use to do nanban (Most are useless for this purpose).
- Over 180 cities (and countless other landing zones) where you can buy/procure goods to take to East Asia.
- 4 EA Regions and 13 EA cities to do business with (Each with their own preferences and dislikes).
- 92 EA goods to choose from. 13 EA goods of which are hidden.
- 24 World Regions where you can sell your EA products.
Nanban Numbers
(Nº trade goods) X (Nº cities to procure) X (Nº EA Cities) X (Nº EA Goods) X (Nº Regions to sell to) =520 X 180 X 13 X 92 X 24 = 2,686,694,400.00
Yeah! 2,686,694,400.00 is more than 2 BILLION POSSIBLE CHOICES you can make!
Add 10 city status and that's 20 billion. But let's stick with 2b for the rest of this exercice.
Now let's suppose your nanban trip takes 2 hours. That's pretty fast if you consider (in your time) procuring goods.
Let's calculate how many hours you would have to play to check all possibilities:
(hours per nanban trip) X (Nº of nanban trips) =
2h X 2,686,694,400.00 = 5,373,388,800 hours
You will need more than 5 BILLION HOURS to check all possible trading routes. And I'm not counting the work you will need to write it down so you don't repeat a poor choice.
Now let's put it in perspective.
The average US person lives 75 years. And that's pretty long compared to world averages!
That's 657,000 hours on average. Therefore we would need more than 8000 lives to test all trade routes! That's insane!
No wonder why Nanban Trading is often regarded as a synonym of "wine to Japan".
Developer's Point of View
Don't get me wrong, wine to Japan is still a good trade, on paper. With that being said...
Developers introduced 2 real world constraints to penalize players who do the same Nanban Trading route over and over again: Supply and demand.
1) Supply (backstocks)
If someone takes wine to Japan its alcohol backstock increase, thus making future trades less attractive. Also, when someone takes Saori its backstock decreases, discouraging further similar trades.
2) Demand (Market crashing and price spiking)
Products which are abundant will often leave markets crashed (<75%) and will hardly ever trend high enough to get a huge price spike (>125%).
3) Pirate's fresh meat
Bonus penalty. Not a specific designer intent to nanban but worth mentioning.
Busy ports will always attract sneaky pirates that will slow down your progress/profits (A minor nuisance though).
Avoiding the Rat Race
"But hey!" You may be thinking...
..."If I step away from the wine to Japan trade route I'll have to figure out a new trade route! I won't live enough to find another good trade route"
Well you don't need to spend your whole life... but it will cost ya a hell lot of time. I'll show you how:
- Backstock: Read Ivyro's "Backstock" arrow-like tables to figure out EA cities status' impact.
- Good Value: Browse every trade good (one by one) to find a valuable good to trade in East Asia.
- Best Selling Place: Read Ivyro's "Market Rates" tables for the best place to sell your EA good.
Easy to tell this takes a LOT of time. Moving on...
As you may have noticed, none of this information is straightforward / plain english / Where do I buy / Where do I trade / Where do I sell.
But it gets even worse...
Ivyro is TERRIBLY OUTDATED and contains INCORRECT information.
So even if you know how to read all charts, graphs and carefully browse all data, you will eventually stumble upon misleading information.
And that alone may cost you 2 hours, your cargo's worth ducats and the POs you spent filling it.
I know the feeling. Maybe you do too...
So I understand why there are so many nanban "regulars" (The joy of player pirates that camp Sakai).
Ok now to the subject of this post... what can I (or UWO-HQ) do?
Introducing the Nanban Wizard
The Nanban Wizard is an All-in-One nanban trading tool that compiles all the wisdom of the ancients in a straightforward, plain english, I'm not kidding, dead simple:
- Where do I buy
- Where do I trade
- Where do I sell
So you can get the best trade. Always.
![]() |
Note: I do have all trading skills maxed |
It contains two modules, which should take care of the way you approach trading: Customer mindset or the opportunity mindset.
Customer Mindset
- I want to sell (Insert your european region here) and the Nanban Wizard will tell you what are the BEST, most PROFITABLE EA goods and where you should go to get it.
Opportunity Mindset
- I want to trade at (Insert your EA city here) and the Nanban Wizard will tell you what you should take to EA to trade at 1:1 (or better). No displaying of goods that will result in a poor trade.
You can and should use both modules.
How does it work?
In a nutshell,
Step 1: You read the market's city status / backstock for the Nanban Wizard.
Step 2: You will be given a list of highly converting goods to choose from. All tested for 1:1 trade.
Step 3: Sail to your chosen EA city, trade, return to europe, sell and cash in big profits.
By the time you come back markets will have changed, but that's no problem. You can just repeat the procedure and get TAILORED directions for your new nanban trading.
Isn't that full adaptability? Can you see how powerful this is?
So are you ready to THRIVE while others fail? PROFIT while others wait?
Are you ready to become a NANBAN PRO overnight? Make an impression on your friends?
Don't waste your time. Download the Nanban Wizard (Available to UWO-HQ supporters).