How to grind shipbuilding skill

A lot has changed since the new "order of the prince" update.

Shipbuilding proficiency per ship built was greatly nerfed.

But you can now build any ship with rank 1.

So in a nutshell: 

You go to any shipyard master choose build ship and then wait outside (sailing) for the number of days required.

Once completed go back to to the SY master, get the ship, sell it back and repeat the process.

Recommended Jobs

Being in one of these jobs is the only way to get past rank 10. Also you will need half of the time compare to jobs that do not have the shipbuilding skill as favored.

Note: The shipwright job is the only one that will get you to R16 (Base).

Fastest way to grind SB

Your goal is to stay as long as possible at sea waiting. DO NOT use the oxford skill during grinding as it will also halve your proficiency gain.

So choose a ship with lot of sailing days to build*. 

* According to one of the comments below the current formula is (SB RANK) x (DAYS TO BUILD) x 0.525.

Improvements are also reported to give good amounts of proficiency. But I can hardly recommend it as grinding because of the rampant SSIPs price.

Popular choices:

  • Venetian Galleass in Venice/Italy/Southern France
  • TLGs (Trading Large Galleons) and Vaisseaus are conveniently built in all european capital/starting cities. 
  • Turkish Galley in Tunis/algiers (Not cheap). 

Grinding City

You should choose a city that has a shipyard close to port, so you can optimize your non sailing time.

Venice is the best place to grind (can build Venetian Galleass) and the shipyard is very close to the port.

If you are really really wealthy, you may buy lots of ESBRs (Emergency Shipbuilding Requests) and some charm boxes to grind / build Venetian Galleass. Some claim you need more than 200 ESBRs to complete a grind to R16 base. Also these items are rare and expensive (50m+ at the time of writing).

Cost Effective way to grind SB

The cheapest way still seems to be the schooner in any company colony (North America) with a shipyard master.

It was known for all time as the best proficiency/ducats.

Frigates are also really efficient and can be built in Venice.

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  1. SB proficiency is NOT determined by total ship levels.
    The current formula is x x 0.525.
    While there are some variables, like rounding errors stacking up if building more short-build ships vs fewer long-build well as more time lost walking to the shipyard... in general at a given rank, as the ship itself does not even enter into the equation, proficiency is gained by sailing days only. Which means about the same proficiency is gained whether it is 1x 32-day build or 4x 8-day builds. Both are 32 days at sea. The consideration then is using the cheapest build for the chosen number of days, and choosing a number of days that minimizes rounding errors and trips to the shipyard. For example, at rank 10, a Hooker (possibly the cheapest 10-day) gives 52 proficiency, rounded down from 52.5, for a 22K ducat loss. A frigate gives 105 proficiency (from 105.0, so no rounding loss), but loses 108K ducats. Factoring in a minute for the trip to the shipyard, that is a 1 proficiency and 1 minute gain for an extra 64,000 ducats. Venetian Galleass is the quickest (by a small percentage) but far more expensive. Barcas are the cheapest DESPITE rounding loss, but a little longer (more trips, only half a commercial break in between). So, VG if you have ducats to burn, but Frigates are a decent balance between time per ship (long enough to do something else for a few minutes) and cost.

    1. oy, bad choice of wrapping symbols in the formual...
      Formula is (SB RANK) x (DAYS TO BUILD) x 0.525

    2. Thanks for your contribution sir



UWO Headquarters: How to grind shipbuilding skill
How to grind shipbuilding skill
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