Rare Trade Goods (RTG)

What are "Rare Trade Goods"?

Rare trade goods are normal trade goods that the AI (Artificial Intelligence) chooses as highly valuable for a certain region and for limited amount of time.

These rare trade goods are traded at a very high price. Using the information you have gathered, try to determine what is the rare good and trade it at the right time in order to make lots of profit!
You can check the information by clicking on the "rare trade goods information" button through a town's market keeper. It will tell you about one rare trade good but there are others (That also sells well everywhere).

Identifying a Rare Trade Good

First let's be clear: RTG is a competition between players (traders).

Therefore you shouldn't share the RTGs you find as the RTG prices are GLOBAL, regardless of where you sell. Yes, other player's selling will drop the prices even if they are not in the same city / region as you. If you don't want to see your hard work and trader knowledge being undermined by lazy people, don't feed / reward the leechers.

Method 1

The market keeper will not tell what is rare in plain english. Instead he will give you a picture and a riddle.

Good thing is that the riddle is also a description of the trade good.

So take that information and add "uwo-hq" to your search engine (like google). It should bring a few relevant pages to UWO. Just make sure to click one of those pages and confirm if the picture matches.

Note: UWO-HQ has all the rare trade goods so that's a good idea to use "uwo-hq" when searching.

Method 2 (Not recommended)

If you have a rare trade goods it will "shine" and their name will appear in blue when selling. Check the picture below:
Trial and error

Method 3 (Not recommended)

Get the picture the market keeper gave you and browse through trade goods listing in hopes of finding it. Be careful as some goods have the same image.

When to sell a Rare Trade Good?

It will always be up to you but you must first understand the value status and trend.

Value Status

  • Spike
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low
  • Bottom


  • Up
  • Down
You should try to sell when it is in "spike" or "high" status. If it is not, read the trend.

If it is going up you can wait and sell it later without having to leave port. If it is going down you should consider selling it for a lower profit or checking nearby cities. Accounts skill does not work for rare goods so you have to sail and check for yourself.

Note: You can't sell a rare trade good in the same city you bought it. Just move to the next city.

Rare Trade Good Rotation

Not only do the price of rare trade goods change, but trade goods marked as "rare trade goods" will also update every 7 to 9 days or according to server wide events.

When rare trade goods are updated you will receive the following message in red:
The rare trade goods in the world have been updated. Let's confirm the details of the various rare trade goods at the markets around the world. 

Procuring Rare Trade Goods

Make sure you have correctly identified the trade good.

Once you did, you can see where it is sold (Closest to you of course). But sometimes you have to collect / procure it.

Note 1: Be careful of foodstuff type of goods as rats will eat them without mercy. Have an aide with Cat Breeding skill or have a Sanitation Room ship skill.
Note 2: Ivyro still seems to be the best source for collection / procurement, although terribly outdated.

When and where to sell 

From my experience it is a high risk to wait for the price to go up. Once you decide it is a good trade, buy / collect and sell it. So let's talk about where:

You can sell RTGs in any city with the exception of the one where you buy.

However, RTGs that are local Specialties need to be sold at least 2 Cultural regions away (for you to get RTG prices). Check the cultural map to get an idea. 

Take Whiskey as an example as it is a local specialty of The British Isles. It will not sell as an RTG in any British city and it will also not sell as RTG in neighbouring cultural regions as Northern France and Germany.

Tip: You may consult the local specialty list when you find a new RTG. It is sorted by region that produces it (not the place where you should sell it).

Thanks to...

This guide was made thanks to players like you. 

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UWO Headquarters: Rare Trade Goods (RTG)
Rare Trade Goods (RTG)
UWO Headquarters
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