How to grind Survival Skill

Survival is tough to grind... and it's not just about sailing without food and water. Here is a few tips to help you.

Skills Required 

Recommended Jobs 

Grinding How to

Yes, you do need to sail without water and food. Being anchored at port or anywhere else will not give you any survival proficiency.

But you will only start to earn survival proficiency points after a few days at sea.

The number of days? Well that depends on your current rank. higher ranks will require more days at sea before you can start to earn something.

If you are R4 you need to have 20 days at sea and before you hit day 21 you need to drop all your food and water (If you still have it). For rank R6 you need 23 days at sea: when you get to 24 you will get more proficiency every day.

Note: You can be out of supplies from day 1 but dealing with disasters can be quite annoying and I choose to avoid them until I actually get survival proficiency points.

So you need to figure out the number of days by watching your skills dialog box (Hit "X" in your keyboard). Remember that every time you rank it up you will need to figure it out again.

Here is what you should do:

Step 1: Choose a slow ship, like a clermont (No coal). It may be the lead ship or someone you follow.
Step 2: Rip its sails. You can do that by fighting any random npc and letting him bombard you.
Step 3: Choose a safe zone to sail. Yes , you need to sail/move.
Step 4: Stock on food for the number of days you do not earn survival proficiency and set sail.
Step 5: When you get to the correct number of days at sea drop all your food and water. Disaster will begin to pop up out of nowhere, almost one per day.
Step 6: Only deal with dangerous disasters like mutiny and quarrel. The trick is, you can't have two disasters at once, so it's better to have malnutrition for a few days than having to deal with several mutinies.
Step 7: Feed your sailors fatigue recovery food like TOS (Tuna olive steak) or bagels. Also give them VoC if you want to avoid mutinies until you wait for your next baby disaster.

Advice 1: You need to be in one of the recommended jobs above for your grind to be faster.
Advice 2: Sail on sea region that you charted so you get random bonus like fatigue reduction, vigour refill  etc every 50 days or so.
Advice 3: Do not set your aides to the storekeeper or surgeon duties, or they will clear your minor disasters.
Advice 4: I do not recommend you bother about getting an aide with Persuasion skill. It is not effective when disaster is being triggered every day.
Advice 5: To avoid that annoying mutiny disaster, just let your ship sail with a crew of 1 guy. Be careful with the fatigue meter as it may incapacitate your ship should you delay food distribution.

You can also do this grind while doing spice or nanban runs. Just be careful as some goods are flammable or eaten (by mice). And that happens pretty often when out of water/food.

Note: It's possible to earn a few proficiency points while sailing for longer periods even if you still have food and water aboard. Whenever your survival skill triggers and prevents "plague" you earn a few points. So you might grind it together with rowing.

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  1. A ready supply of veils from bonanza boxes or a big stack of cat-o'nine tails is good too.



UWO Headquarters: How to grind Survival Skill
How to grind Survival Skill
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