
Reselling is the act of buying from some player and selling to another. Most don't even leave port.

It's not against the TOS and nothing in the game will punish you for doing that.

Lots of people hate it but, whether you like it or not, people are profiting from it as we speak.

And I'm not here to tell you what is right or wrong, I think it is up to the community to set moral standards.

What I can tell you is what reselling is not (or does not).
  • Reselling does not cause inflation.
  • Reselling does not cause prices to rise.
  • Reselling does not cause product shortage.
Fact 1: Inflation is caused when the money supply in an economy grows at a faster rate than the economy’s ability to produce goods and services. 

It's not caused by the rise in price of stuff (Which is the consequence of inflation not the cause) or greed. Greedy people waste time and money trying to sell overpriced stuff, and reason (Not kindness) eventually brings them to sell within generally acceptable price ranges.

Skyrocketing UWC item prices are not an evidence of inflation as most other player made item's prices are stable or even reduced in price over the years. High UWC price is a reflection of its scarcity.

So, if you want cheaper UWC stuff, more people need to open CTs or the devs need to make more generous drops.

Fact 2: Price limits cause shortage.

Reselling is only possible in items that are prone to shortage. 

Commonly traded stuff like nanban goods do not make good reselling candidates because their perceived value is lower than the maximum price limit. Should their price limit be set to 40k, 45k they wouldn't be found in bazaars anymore (Maybe in reseller's hand).

Reselling is only profitable because of the intervention of UWO devs and Papaya in bazaar price limits. In another words if we could set any price in bazaars etc... there would be no mismatch in offer / demand.

The possibility of setting higher prices in bazaar would bring more players to offer a product they wouldn't otherwise. Who would bazaar a 1b item for 100m?

That's where resellers thrive. 

They buy a, let's say, 800m - 1.2b item for 800m and resell it for 1 - 1.2b (200 - 400m profit).

Why would someone agree to sell a 800m - 1.2b item for 800m? Easy! They value their time more than ducats. Let's be honest, hanging around marketplace chat is a time consuming job. 

Resellers, on the other hand, value money more than their time. And by specializing in this job they can scale up and store several valuable / scarcity prone products.

If you dedicate your time to listening to the market you can becoming rich beyond imagination. And this job is safe to be demanded when:
  • Price limits (bazaars and company shops) exists.
  • The perceived value is higher than the price limit.


The price limits were revised in oct 11, 2023 as follows:

So reselling is basically restricted to items/ships that are worth more than these price limits.

Example: SSIPs are currently being sold in bazzars for less than 40m, so pretty much useless to resell.



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