Is UWO Free-to-Play or Pay-to-Win?

I understand this is a hot topic and you may not agree with me and that's OK. This post is not meant to be a definite decision on this subject.

And I must also warn you that the opinion part of this article may not confirm your bias. So if you get offended by reading a different opinion, then don't read it.

With the disclaimer out of the way, let's first define what F2P (Free-to-Play) and P2W (Pay-to-Win) are so we can have a common ground of discussion.

First of all, we typically associate P2W games with F2P. However, some other games that are bought in stores and steam can also be P2W, but we are not going to talk about them here.

What is F2P?

Almost all people agree that a F2P game has no limitations (areas or levels) for "free" players. Monetization with cosmetic stuff like clothes and armor doesn't change this status. Time savers like level / skill boosts for grinding are also not considered P2W.

Most people agree that F2P may have some kind of area limitation. Monetization with access to new areas can happen without changing this status. Critics call this "shareware", "trial" or "demo", but it is still F2P in my opinion. The new area is essentially a new game.

Gray zone

Some Free-to-play games will limit the levels and skills you can get with a free account.

And hey, I can hear some of you complaining that limiting levels and skills is pay-to-win. It can be but it depends on the context (more on this below).

What is P2W?

I think everyone agrees that a P2W game is one that will give competitive advantages that are exclusive to paying players. Something that you cannot obtain in the game but somehow puts you in a disadvantage in battle is clear evidence.

If a F2P game gives a competitive advantage to a paying player in relation to a free player then it is clearly pay-to-win. It is also pay-to-win if the game gives free players a serious handicap (like a level or skill pratical limit), so that players are very unlikely to progress in the game unless they get a paid feature.

But if the advantage is a time saving convenience, like the grinding boosts, then it is not pay-to-win.

However, some offer some kind of subscription model at some point that really levels every "paying" player. So that's not P2W but that's not free either, or at least it is F2P until it's pay-to-play.

So how about UWO? Is it F2P or P2W?

First of all, let's just remember that in the past, before Papaya Play took over the game, some very important items were UNTRADABLE. So that made the game heavily P2W, but things have changed. Almost all items, including ships, are tradable.

Also, UWO is unique because it does not rely as heavily on battle as most other games. In fact, it is only 1/3 of the game.

Trading and Adventuring

The other 2 classes, Trader and Adventurer, are clearly F2P.

Trading and adventuring are F2P

First of all, there is no direct competition between players. Second to that, there is hardly any time related quest. And even if there was, I can't think of anything that can't be bought with in-game money (like map pieces and headache medicine).

I know people will complain about inflation and how they cannot buy the gear from tickets or treasure cove.

But the fact is, you can do anything and everything in game with player-made and in-game obtainable items. You can even buy premium items that are not the top of the type!


This is where the arguments get heated. Competition is at its core.

Maritimers will often battle against each other or against NPCs. So let's talk about PvP and PvE separately.


PvE in UWO is definitely F2P in the currenty stage. At time of writing at least (I mean considering the prices of SSIP).

You can beat any NPC or boss with an improved player-made ships, paying with in-game money.

In fact, there are some bonus items like AoS and others that make NPCs in the game extremely easy to defeat.

Level limitation

And yes, UWO has a silent level limitation (at least for aides). You pretty much have to buy a premium ship or spend lots of experience on aides items to level them up. And yet that doesn't make the game P2W, it just makes the game a bit harder.

Making the game harder is not necessary P2W; even with this limitation, the game is still extremely easy. If most normal players could not defeat the bosses to progress in the storyline without having an aide with the top buildable ship, I would qualify the game as P2W.


PvP in UWO is, in my opinion, P2W.

  • I understand you can get any ship in-game.
  • I understand that top tier premium ships only have small advantages over other affordable premium ships.
  • I understand that Papaya is balancing buildable ships to reduce the gap with premium ones.
Now the fact:

It is a fact that these top tier premium battle ships have an advantage that free players cannot have.

Some people say that free players, with buildable ships, can be successful against players with the top battleship.

Yes, it is possible with superior skill and luck. But this argument doesn't invalidate the fact that there is an advantage.

You can pick any P2W game and observe that in none of them paying players are guaranteed to win. It is always about having an unfair competitive advantage and not about how unfair it is.

Free players cannot get the best battleship

Yes, free players can NEVER get / buy the top battle ship.

I know there is always someone to say it can be bought from other players. No, it cannot and here is why:

The best battleship is scarce by default

These ships are made extremely scarce by default because they fuel the lottery / loot box.

The best battleship is unavailable

Players only open tickets to get them (and until they get them). So they are in the hands of the whale who bought them and who doesn't need ducats because they can literaly just print ducats whenever they want (selling cap. tickets).

Have you ever seen anyone selling the best battleship? I bet you haven't because this is a market that the owner sets the price and the owner doesn't want to sell.

The best battleship is unaffordable

I also know that there are people who say that the battleship Pirate Superior Armoured Flying You Are Dead costs only "300 capt tickets". No, it doesn't.

First of all, these are prices people fantasize with. Second to that, assuming the price is right, do you know how long it takes to make 300 capt ticket in-game?

A lifetime of mindless grinding. It is not even a job, it is torture, really. 1000 nanban runs, really?

If those people really tried to make it, they would see why cheapstakes would quickly open their wallets.

The best battleship will be replaced

And finally, there will be a better battleship. So even if the free player forgot his real life and managed to get one, it will be obsolete soon.

There is a continuous arms race that fuels the loot boxes. It has been like this for years.

So the 300 capt tickets will just evaporate to maybe 20. Or maybe less as time passes.

Final Conclusion

UWO is NOT pay-to-win, unless you are in for PvP.

PvP can still be fair by using Battle Campaign rules and limiting the class of ships that can be used.



UWO Headquarters: Is UWO Free-to-Play or Pay-to-Win?
Is UWO Free-to-Play or Pay-to-Win?
UWO Headquarters
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