Unlocking / Finding Atlantis (Pre Quests and Step by Step Guide)

What is Atlantis?

Atlantis is a legendary and mysterious city/continent that was long vanished.

From time to time the server allows this city back in the game.


Why should you care right?

Well, Atlantis has:
  • Exclusive equipment recipes
  • Rare items from Dungeons and quests
  • Treasure Hunt Themes
  • and more...
Reap the benefits of Atlantis before it vanishes again.

General Pre Quests 

Some requirements to reach Atlantis were reduced (easier for players to access).

To find Atlantis, you must complete some pre quests:

1 - Complete Sea Region Investigation on the North Sea

You need the East Asia Port Permit first.

Check my Sea Charting Guide if you need directions.

2 - Complete the Quest, "Legend of the Labyrinthos" from the Venice Adventurers' Guild.

1. Athens Archives - Talk to Scholar
2. Athens Archives - Read x3 Theology book
3. Athens Tavern - Make and order at the Barkeep
4. Candia - Talk to Archaeology Student near the bank
5. Candia - Talk to Scholar next to the Church
6. Syracuse - Talk to Craftsman
7. Inland Crete - Use Recognition in the vicinity of Knossos Palace

Click here for details on this quest.

3 - Complete the Quest, "Land of the Legendary King"

Adventurers' Guild in one of the following Cities:

Stockholm (Required Discovery: None)
Amsterdam (Required Discovery: Siberian Husky)
London (Required Discovery: Xanadu)

1. London - Adventurer GM
2. London - Adventurer Mediator
3. Oxford - Professor
4. Seville Tavern - Tradescant
5. Candia - Tradescant
6. Candia West - Tradescant near entrance (Where discovery will be)
7. Crete inland - Tradescant inside the ruins
8. Candia west - Search near the entrance

Click here for details on this quest.

4 - Complete the Quest, "Egypt and Atlantis" from the London Adventurers' Guild.

1. London Adventure Guild - Adventure GM
2. Shore Opposite Cairo - Tradescant
3. Giza - Tradescant × 2
4. Giza - Sarcophagus
5. London - Adventure GM
6. Oxford - Professor

Click here for details on this quest.

Note: Unlocks Transmutation Alchemy Bench recipe at Paracelsus

5 - Complete the Quest, "A chance Meeting on the Sea of Atlas" from the London Adventurers' Guild.

1. London Archives - Tradescant
2. Antilles, Open Sea - Merchant ship south of Santo Domingo (Fight with an Ancient Galley)
You can Retreat from the Battle or Lose.
3. Santo Domingo - Tradescant near Port Official
4. Santo Domingo - Tradescant near Tavern
5. Santo Domingo – Tradescant neat Shipyard
6. San Juan, Open Sea - Patrol boat north of San Juan (Fight with a weak version of an Ancient Galley)
You can Retreat from the Battle or Lose. Helped by some Spanish NPC (They can handle the fight alone)
7. Battle with the Henry Morgan fleet
You can Retreat from the Battle or Lose. Helped by some Spanish NPC (They can handle the fight alone)
8. San Juan - Tradescant near Port Official

Click here for details on this quest.

6 - Complete the Quest, "Aspiring a Pure World" from the Amsterdam Adventurers' Guild.

1. Amsterdam Tavern -Wallenstein
2. Hamburg church - Balthazar
3. Hamburg - Tradescant near Port Official
4. Saint Georges - Tradescant
5. Luanda – Tradescant near the square Port × 2
6. Seville – Balthazar near Port Official

Click here for details on this quest.

Note: Rewards Stone Holy Grail

Main Quest

There are 3 quests available. One for adventurers, one for traders and one for maritimers.

You just need to complete one of these 3 quests.

Adventurer's Route

Quest: Those Who Seek and Those Who Lead (London Adventurers' Guild)
Important: Need to have done "The Promised Future" (Great Adventurer chain)

1. Oxford - Tradescant near North-East Carriage
You need 1 Honey Pancake
2. Oxford - Tradescant
3. Oxford - Tradescant in Lecture Room
4. London - Tradescant
5. Frankfurt - Charioteer
6. London - Tradescant near Port Official
7. Oxford - Use search in the Lecture near the professor

Click here for details on this quest.

Merchant's Route

Quest 1: “A Certain Merchant's Misgivings” from the Athens Merchants’ Guild:

1. Athens Tavern - Alvero
2. Anping - Alvero
3. Hangzhou - near Tavern
4. Busan - Soldier
5. Nagasaki - Alvero near East mansion
6. Nagasaki Mansion - Alvero
7. Nagasaki - Alvero near East mansion

Click here for details on this quest.

Quest 2: A Lord and a Merchant (Lisbon Merchants' Guild):

1. Edo - Date house servant 
2. Hangzhou - Alvero near Tavern 
3. Hangzhou - Alvero near Market 
4. Hangzhou - Alvero near shipyard 
5. Edo - Alvero near Port Official

Maritimer's Route

Quest: Dangerous Caribbean (Seville Maritime Guild)

1. San Juan - Barkeeper
2. Antilles, Open Sea - Balthazar near Santo Domingo
You can Retreat from the Battle or Lose
3. Santo Domingo - Wallenstein near Tavern
4. Santo Domingo - Balthazar neat Tavern

Click here for details on this quest.

Secret Edicts

Once you finish one of the main quests above you can take secret edicts at your nation secretary (Palace, governor office...).

Secret edicts are special quests necessary to build the "Solar Barge", used to find Atlantis.

These edicts are separated into 3 categories of quests:
  • Bow
  • Broadside
  • Stern
Each categories will ask you to do one of the 3 random quest shown. You are free to choose which you want to complete in the list. 
Once you have completed one quest in each categories, the Solar Barge will be unlocked in your nation port until the end of the week. The Solar barge will take you by itself to Atlantis (Almost Instantly).

Finally Atlantis

When your Solar Barge reaches Atlantis, it will be at the Port of Acropolis.

After reaching Atlantis once, you will be able to find it using  "Survey" skill while on sea or through your maps if you charted it.

You will also be able to reach Atlantis without the use of the Solar Barge.

Atlantis Schedule

When Atlantis relocates, it will disappear from the map. In order to reach it once again, you must do the Secret Edicts again.

Atlantis is on a random location each week, which also mean you will need to redo the solar barge every time it moves. 

The solar Barge takes you there but does not bring you back, so you will have to sail back by yourself.

Tip: Once you have completed the Solar Barge for the first time, you can take Secret edict from any GM in any nation!

Atlantis ("Post" Quest Chains)

Unlocking Atlantis isn’t the end of each of the different chains. 

Each of them continue further once you have visited Acropolis of Atlantis for the first time.

Yes, you need to have discovered Acropolis (Atlantis Capital). 

Each chains reward you with an EX item (Passive effect item) at the end.

The corresponding pre quests completed are necessary to continue forward on these quests. Example, you need to have completed the previous Adventure quest to continue forward on the adventure quests.

Adventure Chain

Quest 1: Qualification to know and its preparation*
Adv City: London
*Translated name

+    Need to have done ‘’Those Who Seek and Those Who Lead’’ (no longer has "Xanadu / Historic Site" as a required Discovery).
1. Marseille Adventurer Guild - Tradescant 
2. Florence Office - Lorenzo Medici 
3. Pisa - Port Official 
4. Athens Archive - Scholar 
5. San Juan - Port Official 
6. San Juan - Julian 
7. San Juan - Port Official
8. Search near the San Juan city official
Discovery: The Truth of Atlantis
Reward: Doctoral Thesis on Navigation /Ancient Celestial Globe x2

Quest 2: A world of possibility*
Adv City: London
*Translated name

1. Seville - Port Official
2. Acropolis - Tradescant 
3. Acropolis - Boys at the south of the Port
4. Acropolis - Tradescant
5. Frankfurt - Charioteer
6. Hamburg -Tradescant near Port Official
7. Hamburg - Search near the Port official
Discovery: The Future of Atlantis
Rewards: Doctoral Thesis on Navigation / Cameo Abile / Epee Rapier

Maritime Chain

Quest 1: Secret escort request
Mrt City: Amsterdam

+    Need to have done ‘’Dangerous Caribbean’’
+    Need to have done ‘’World of Pirate’’ (Grand Admiral Chain)
1. Havana - Wallenstein 
2. West Caribbean Sea – Enemy Fleet Northeast of Havana
3. Havana - Wallenstein 
4. Port Royal – Barrel?!? (Translated)
Reward: Special Shipbuilding Improvements Reset (Untradeable)

Quest 2: Speculations over Atlantis *
Mrt City: Portobello
*Translated name

1. Santiago - Tavern
2. San Juan, Open Sea - Super Frigate battle
+   You can escape the battle
3. San Juan, Open Sea - Wallenstein 
4. The Azores - Barkeeper 
5. Canary, Open Sea - West of Las Palmas Armor Battle Ship battle
+ You can’t retreat or lose!!!
6. Las Palmas - 
Rewards: Brave Boots

Trade Chain

Quest 1: There is no Time Like the Present*
Trd City: Hangzhou
*Translated name

+    Need to have done ‘’A Lord and Merchant’’& “Acropolis”
1. Taiwan Southeast - Masamune Date (Straight from the entrance) 
2. Tamsui - City Officials × 2 (Need 200,000 D) 
3. Tamsui Southeast (City Outskirts) - Oiwa (Need 30 Camphor)
4. Tamsui Southeast (City Outskirts) -Alvero near the Large Boulder 
5. Tamsui - Koxinga (northwest end)
Reward: Aide Voyage Record Collection x2

Quest 2: What a Merchant Connects*
Trd City: Hangzhou
*Translated name
1. China Southeast Coast Landing –Alvero slightly right as you enter
2. Acropolis –Alvero – near Store Keeper
3. Acropolis –Qin Liangyu – Near the temple Stairs
4. Acropolis –Yi Sun-sin– between the port official and the Item Shop
5. Acropolis –Koxinga – ont the North East Bridge
6. Acropolis –Alvero- near Store Keeper 
7. Acropolis - Alveroat the top of the temple steps
8. Acropolis –Alvero - To the left of the Store Keeper at the Square
Rewards: Laurel Crown of Prayers


Can use the Solar Barge as many times as one likes for a week.

Only made in Atlantis:


  • Papaya Play
  • Tradescant (Player nickname not the NPC)



UWO Headquarters: Unlocking / Finding Atlantis (Pre Quests and Step by Step Guide)
Unlocking / Finding Atlantis (Pre Quests and Step by Step Guide)
UWO Headquarters
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