Land Charting Guide

Benefits from Land Charting

  • You can automatically walk to a landmark. Just turn on survey skill and click on a landmark (Any adventurer will find it very useful).
  • Adventure experience and fame for each region investigated (similar to sea charting).
  • Bonus proficiency to adventuring skills (Geography / Archaeology / Theology / Biology / Art / Appraisal / Astronomy) while in land regions you have previously investigated. This also stacks with bonuses from oxford skills that increase proficiency.
  • Survey, search, and collection all gain +1 while in a land region you have already investigated.
  • You get access to detailed information like enemy types / levels and items / goods found.
  • Unique discovery maps for reporting completed investigations (Recharting).


Land charting requires you to have completed the first Mercator sea charting task AND completed the Legend of the Labyrinthos quest. 

If you don't, the following message will show up in the oxford professor land charting button.

Skill Requirements

Legend of the Labyrinthos

Go to Venice Adventure Guild and pick up the quest Legend of the Labyrinthos. If you look at other guides or on ivyro, the levels specified are much higher, 

Please note this quest only requires rank 1 recognition, R1 archaeology and R1 theology.

Step by step guide:

1) Go to Venice Adventurer's Guide and talk to the mediator. 

It took me 13 QMPs to spawn this quest. Get greek language at Venice Maritime Guild (Optional) for one of your toons.

2) Go to Athens and talk to the Scholar

3) Read the archive (Theology) 3X. Needs greek language or buy translation notes (With the translator NPC near the market keeper)

4) Talk to the barkeeper and order a drink at the tavern to get a clue.

5) Go to Candia and talk to archaeology student (between the bank and the town official)

6) Talk to the scholar NPC (near Candia's church and next to a boy)

7) Go to Syracuse and talk to craftsman

8) Go to Candia, then west Candia, then Inland Crete. Use Recognition in Knossos Palace (See the map and its location):

9) Report at Venice or at your favorite barmaid (Or bardude).

Getting the Land Charting Quest

As soon as get to the port after reporting "Legend of the Labyrinthos" quest you will receive the following message:

At Oxford talk to the professor and click in the following button:

After all the talking you will receive the following quest:

How to do Land Charting

The first land to chart (West Candia and inland Crete) works like a tutorial.

Hit "m" in your keyboard or JOURNAL > CHARTS to find your map.

Choose "West Candia" in the change dropdown (right). The left one should say "Eastern Europe".

Click the "research" button. If you have some on going sea charting the following message might show up (Just confirm):
So these are the tasks available to be completed:
Tasks in red are mandatory, the white ones are optional and blues are the ones you have already completed.

My general advice is complete the red tasks first. Only then move to the optional tasks. 

The reason is simple: Tasks are drip feeded as you go and they have an annoying completion limit.

In the example above you can see the "0/10%" in the bottom right of the screen telling me I cannot advance more than 10% (until I complete a red task).

Another advice I give to people is "do as much collection and/or investigate tasks as possible" and avoid "Find a Discovery or Complete a Quest" tasks.


There are the possible tasks:
  1. Defeat X NPC(s).
  2. Complete Collection. 
  3. Find a discovery. 
  4. Complete a Quest.
  5. Investigate X (Landmark). 

Note: When you finish a task you have to go back to your map and check which one is available.

1) Defeat X NPC(s)

 Self explanatory.

2) Complete Collection

Use collection skill on a landmark. Procurement may be used instead.

3) Find a discovery

Complete a quest or more often find a discovery with a map. You need to wait until the find a discovery task becomes available.

I always recommend you come back here before starting an investigation to check if the region requires (red task) a find discovery. Check the "list of regions that require a discovery" section below.

4) Complete a Quest.

I always recommend you come back here before starting an investigation to check if the region requires (red task) to complete a quest. Check the "list of regions that require a quest completed" section below.

Note: Every fleet member must have the quest.

5) Investigate X (Landmark)

Just go there and double click the landmark. You can tell which one it is in the mini map (just on the left of the task list). The landmark is coloured whereas other landmarks are somewhat "gray".

6) Use recognition to measure an area at least X ac.

The most common task is "measure an area".

It looks harder than it actually is. You just need to put 3 marks on the land. 

Here is how you do it.

  1. Activate your survey skill (If not on already)
  2. Hit the recognition skill ONCE. You will be prevented from moving for a few seconds.
  3. Move to a second location. Hit the recognition skill ONCE. You will have a red line like this:

  4. Move to a third location. Hit the recognition skill ONCE. The result will be a red triangle.

If you made an area (triangle) larger than the one suggested the task will be completed.

Warning: If you leave the landing zone (Port) before completing the three points you will lose the marks you made.

Task 6 FAQ

  • If you are in a fleet (with your alts perhaps?), only one should use recognition. Survey is only needed in your main / recognition toon.
  • "200 acres" or "500 ac" means nothing to us but the game gives us a clue about the minimum area he wants us to cover (Check the graphical representation below). You don't have to do that exact spot, it only needs to be larger.

  • You can use a landmark ribbon to be instantly transported to the entrance of the region and put the last mark. It doesn't waste your progress.

List of Regions that Require a Discovery

Remember, you have to wait for the red task to show up before finding the discovery.
  • Campagna (You need to find a discovery or fight NPCs)
  • Egypt North Coast
  • Phocis (It's inland NW Athens)
  • North Beirut
  • Olympia (It's inland W Athens)
  • Southwest Salonika
  • Turkey West Coast
Note: Campagna requirement may be replaced by a Faded Map, Swan Feather Pen (Consumables) or getting the Cartographer's Knowledge 1 or Ranger's Knowledge 1(skill). They all increase the amount of % obtained per task.

List of Regions that are unlocked by quests or events

Note: This is a work in progress investigation.

List of Regions that give maps when Recharted

You may not receive an unique map from this list when completing your survey. It is advisable to have all maps discovered (All books read) before attempting to get maps out of land regions.

The number in brackets is the number of different / unique maps you may obtain by recharting
  • Amazon Inland (3)
  • Anatolian Highlands (1)
  • Bay of Bengal North Coast (3)
  • Byblos Outskirts (1)
  • Byrsa Hill (1)
  • Cape of Vinland (1)
  • Caucasus (3)
  • Copan River North Shore (1)
  • Galapagos Island Interior (1)
  • Himalayan Region (3)
  • Inland Crete (1)
  • Inland Zimbabwe (1)
  • Karnak & Luxor (1)
  • Konark (1)
  • Korean Peninsula North Coast (1)
  • Lake Baikal Region (3)
  • Leptis (1)
  • Loess Plateau (1)
  • Luxor (1)
  • Macedonia (1)
  • Mayan Lowlands (1)
  • Nagasaki North (1)
  • Niagara River Basin (3)
  • Northern Ethiopia (1)
  • Northern Kongju (1)
  • Omi (1)
  • Pagan (1)
  • Paphos Outskirts (1)
  • Paraguay River Upstream (3)
  • Pompeii Island Interior (1)
  • Salisbury Plains (1)
  • Siberia (3)
  • Taiwan Southeast Coast (1)
  • Tamsui River West (1)
  • Thanjavur (1)
  • The Rocky Mountains (3)
  • The Sahara (3)
  • Ur (1)
  • Ustyurt Plateau (3)
  • West Siberian Plain (3)
  • Yuntaisha West (1)
  • Zambezi River Midstream (3)

Land Regions that require Investigation Progress

As you finish charting land regions the professor will call you to investigate (Chart) special regions that were otherwise unchartable (If you tried).
The milestones are believed to be (land regions charted required in brackets):
  • West Siberian Plain (20), inland from baltic sea north
  • Caucasus (40)
  • The Sahara (70)
  • Zambezi River Midstream (70)
  • Paraguay River Upstream (90)
  • Amazon Inland (90)
  • Niagara River Basin (100)
  • The Rocky Mountains (100)
  • Ustyurt Plateau (120)
  • Lake Baikal Region (120)
  • Himalayan Region (120)
  • Siberia (120)

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Land Charting Guide
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