A Complete Guide to Aide Academy

Welcome to my uncharted waters online aide academy guide! The aide academy will still receive more updates so this is a work in progress article as is this academy.

What is the Aide Academy?

Aide academy is a game feature that allows you to train and earn very useful skills and boosters to your aides. You can find it at Sagres

In a nutshell, it's like the Oxford university of AIDES!

You basically pick course / aide duty:

  • Navigation
  • Lookout
  • Paymaster
  • Store keeper
  • Lieutenant
  • Surgeon
  • and others...

Then do one of several majors / topics. As you complete them, you will be give access to new skills.

How to start the Aide Academy

  • Talk to the aide academy professor NPC (In Sagres).
  • Accept the interview (with the professor).
  • If you have a good enough aide you should be accepted:

  • Just scroll through Jennie's story.
  • After the cutscene talk to the professor again and choose a course and an aide (left side). 

  • Select a major:

  • Click next / complete to accept it.
  • Complete the topics (what is easier to you) until you get the required number of pages (just like an Oxford or Boston thesis).
  • Report it back to the professor.

Note: Once you've done it once you can pick the topic in any scholar. Also after the completed and reported you can take (and report) the topic in any scholar.

Note on course requirements

Each course has its own requirements. When enrolled my all 100 trait aide I could get access to most courses available at the time:

Note 1: You just need to have 1 trait with 100 points to start (The 6 unlocked above was just an example).

Note 2: When your aide completes some courses you may access the mastery course. The requirements are 3 majors in each course (So you naturally need 100 in each trait).

Note 3: Your aide needs to be at least trait 100 to choose a specific course. Some may require up to 120 in trait.

Note 4: When your aide meets the requirements (like 100 traits) talk to the professor again to unlock new courses.


This is the initial courses and majors available when the updated was launched:

Once you complete topics (and report it) your aide will get skills.

However you can only use a certain number of skills at once. Choose them based on your game play style. Also, changing them cost points much like the Oxford and Boston skills equivalent.

Guide for starters

I recommend Survey studies (Navigator course).

You can complete it just by sailing around for a while. It's a great course to do when you are doing something else.

When you get the "Academic Topic has been completed" message you need to go to a scholar (if not the first time) or the professor at the Aide Academy. This is counted as 1 (one) submission, regardless of the topics difficulty.

Getting more topics / majors

You need two things:
  • Keep doing topics to get more points. You can "cheat" with the consumable "Aide Academy Report" (This is the "med").
  • Get higher traits to access new courses.

By number of topics

Once you complete at least 3 topics you get access to the mastery course.

Equipping your new Aide Skills

  1. Go to Aide information.
  2. Click "Skills".

Skills in effect are on the right side. The left side shows all skills you have (ready to use but not in effect).

Please note you can tell how many credits you have and how many skills you may have equipped.

Skill Slots

We start with 1 skill slot. It can be further increased with the premium item Aide Elite Skill Guide.

Aide Trait limit unlock

Your aide is initially limited to 100 in trait. To unlock the cap or "uncap it" you need to complete one of the aide trait limit uncap quests.

After completing the quest you can raise your aide's trait to 120.

Each duty requires a different unlock quest:


Sailing to:

  1. Hawaii
  2. Tacoma
  3. Guam

Deadline: 80 days


Battle at sea:

  1. South of Nagasaki
  2. North of Bergen
  3. Close to ​​Trebizond


Selling RTG at certain profit (50k+) in one of the following cultural regions:

  1. Nordic
  2. Southeast Asia
  3. Caribbean

Store keeper

Deliver goods:

  1. Kokkora / Mercury / 1600 units
  2. Natal / Brandy / 1600 units
  3. Santo Domingo / Leatherwork 1600 units

Deadline: 30 days


Land battle in (location as reference / where to go):

  1. Guatemala
  2. South America Southeast Coast
  3. Island of Java North Coast


Sail to (without having a disaster):

  1. Veracruz
  2. Tamatave
  3. Valparaiso

Veils are effective and can be easily obtainable in boxes.

List of Trait Skills (Organized by duty / course)

You will get a +1 to one of the skills below.

Note: Your aide may have the same skill as his "aide native" and as "trait skill" (Total +2 in this case). Also, if the player / alt does not have the same skill you will get no benefit from it.




Store Keeper



List of Mastery Skills

The skills below are unlocked in the mastery courses and require trait 120 in at least one field. Some require your aide to have 120 in more than one.

Skills for Traders

Negotiation Techniques: Hagglling up, stacks with Legendary Tycoon title

Accounting Support: Even if attempts to haggle for price increases fail, it doesn't impact the overall prices.

Skills for Maritimers

Battle Support: The number of Attack/Defense increase.

Messenger: Reduces the amount of Vigour consumed during a sea battle and a melee battle.

Resurgence: In a sea battle, when the Aide of the reinforcements is incapacitated, they will automatically recover.

Double Magic: When one of the designated 'magic effects is activated during a sea battle, your Aide will trigger the same effect. (Your aide will also use AOS when your toon use AOS on the Sea Battle, if you call him in the battle)

Skills for Shipbuilders

Shipbuilding Mediation: Can improve your ships at the ship yard without investments in the territories belong to the nationality of your Aide.

Shipbuilding Instruction: When attempting to improve your ship, if your Aide successfully triggers this skill, the amount of improvement your ship can obtain will be maximum.

Skills for Adventurers

Guidance: On Land where you have completed Land Region Investigations, clicking on an object on the Surveying Map will teleport you to the location.

Unlock Trick: Unlocks a trap in Dungeon with a certain probability.

Unlock the True Potential of Your Aides

Are you tired of wasting countless hours leveling up aides, only to realize you've made a crucial mistake in your skill choices? 

Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the 120+ aides and their 15+ predefined skills, unsure which combinations will truly benefit your gameplay? Learn how to unlock the True Potential of Your Aides.

Available for my patrons:

My Top Aide Skills List and Review



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A Complete Guide to Aide Academy
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