How to grind Sociability Skill

Sociability is an easy grind early on. Nevertheless it is important to know the basics so we don't waste too much time/money on it.

Skills Required 

Recommended Jobs 

Grinding How to

Your first and most important task is to get a job that favours sociability (Check my recommended jobs section above).

You will notice most jobs are not really easy to get. You should ask people for help if you can (Fleet you, get the quest and give it to you).

If you are a lonely merchant, spice trader and art dealer look like the easiest jobs to get. And also the most useful as you can also use them to do spice runs or nanban trade in the future.

If you are an adventurer, you can get the priest or missionary job with low level and art skill requirement.

You can also get the job card directly from some NPCs in the seas by handing them the Letter of Appreciation from Seafarers to:
  • Molina (Spanish flag)
  • De La Leina (Portuguese flag)
Both sail around Naples. Just wait until the show up.

Ok so to sum up, you have two paths to choose: The merchant path or the adventurer's path to grinding sociability.

All in all the merchant path is only recommended for wealthy merchants. While the adventurer's path may be taken by anyone.

Adventurer's path (Slower but free)

You just need to report your discoveries to a important person (NPC) while in a proper job to get maximum proficiency.

The easiest and fastest way is just to sail around the world discovering ports. Make sure to report it to a person like admiral dias in Lisbon or Duke Farnase in Seville.

The setback is that you cannot redescover ports as you can with normal discoveries... But you can always go the merchant route for a faster grind.

Merchant's path (Expensive but faster)

Investing! Yes investing is the ultimate way to get massive amounts of proficiency.

Be sure to be in a trade job (to earn maximum trade fame).

Get tons of ducats and Request investment book and go to any allied or territory port of your nation.

The fame you earn is proportional to the amount of ducats invested. The proficiency, however, is capped. Up to rank 7 you need to have a minimum of 60k investment each time and at rank 8 you will need to make at least 70k investment and so on:

Rank 9: 90k minimum.
Rank 10: 110k minimum
Rank 11: 130k minimum
Rank 12: 150k minimum
Rank 13: 170k minimum
Rank 14: 200k minimum

Note: The rank I mention above is the one you are currently at.

The cheapest place to grind sociability is a port you have never invested in the first place. Always try to keep your investment at a minimum. Also beware that the minimum increases with your sociability rank (It will require higher amounts of investments)

If you are serious about the grind you can also buy a charm box and earn 100% proficiency boost for 1 hour.

If you want to develop the port you are investing, you can choose to invest 100m every 1 hour (When the investment record resets you can do it again). This is a developers feature to avoid investment spamming.

How expensive is this grind?

Just to give you an idea, I usually invest 100m per city and use 1 charm box every 2 cities (It never covers 100% of the 2nd city though). 

This gives me (per city) around 1000 proficiency points if I use a charm box and 650 if I do not (During my late R14 -> R15 grind). Cost-wise the last rank would cost more than 2b investment!

It can be cheaper, however. If you keep your investments close to the minimum and move out to another city before having a minimum of 500k per RIB, you will have less investments per city than my example. But your grind will also be slower as you will have to visit more cities.

Thanks to...

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  1. I believe your minimum rates are a bit off - I am pretty sure the minimum is your rank^2 in tens of thousands. So at R8, you need to invest min 64k, at R9, 81k... Close enough either way I suppose.

    1. Thanks for contributing with the formula Logan!

    2. I realized after I typed it that it was such a small difference from what was in the guide it was sort of silly to comment. Then I figured, 'heck, I'm cheap, maybe others are too!' lol Love your site btw - I'm here all the time.



UWO Headquarters: How to grind Sociability Skill
How to grind Sociability Skill
UWO Headquarters
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