How to Avoid Pirates (Player and NPCs)

First it is important to state the difference between player and NPC pirates. While both can and will attack you, they need a different approach.

Player Pirates

How do I know XYZ is a Pirate?

Player pirates are easy to identify with the lookout skill. They have a red or orange color to their name.

Red means pirate, they have attacked and will likely attack players from the same nationality as theirs (and also players from other nationalities).

Orange name means privateers, they have NOT attacked and will likely NOT attack players from the same nationality as theirs. But they have and will attack players from different nationalities.

Another way of finding pirates is hitting "z" key in your search and hit "begin search" (You can also do that from the community button).

Note 1: Don't set any status before search or you may get nothing.

Note 2: White name people may still attack you but that's VERY unlikely. Piracy is not a rewarding activity (money wise) and players only do it for the fun / role play.

Where can player pirates attack me?

Player pirates can attack you in hostile (White skull) or lawless water (Red skull).

Hostile waters:

Lawless Waters:

"White" Players cannot be attacked in Safe waters (No Skull), landing points or in cities.

Note: White Players can still fight in safe waters and land if both parties agree (Mock). Check community => Set Status

Restrictions to Piracy

As I write this post these are the current rules that exempt new players from agression (piracy):

If your Character meets any of the following, your Character will be safe from attacks while in Hostile and Lawless Waters!
  1. Your Character’s total Levels (Adventure + Trade + Battle) is 49 or lower.
  2. The highest level among from your Adventure level, Trade level and Battle level is 29 or lower.
  3. The potential Attacker's highest Level among their Adventure Level, Trade Level and Battle Level is equal to or greater than twice the value of your highest Level.
Source: Papaya Play

If you are levels 29/29/29 (Clause 1) ,5/39/5 (Clause 2) then you are safe. 30/29/29, 39/7/5 is not safe because they do not meet clause 1 or 2. BUT may meet clause 3.

Let's say the pirate is level 70 adventure (Highest), 30/29/29 is safe (Clause 3) but 39/7/5 is not.

Note 1: This restriction does NOT extend to the fleet, so pirates may attack a higher level in your fleet / alt and bring you to battle. Same applies to "blue flags" (if you may be wondering), it protects the individual not the fleet (But may be called to battle anyway).

Note 2: Rules of engagement have changed so there is no more 24 hours immunity from other piracy attack and such:
Click to enlarge

Avoiding Player Pirates

The first thing to understand is the pirate mindset, because he does the same to his prey.

Player pirates want to grind (Increase their notoriety) so they need to attack as many players without needing to sail as much. So they will stick to busy ports (Port Campers) or trade routes.

Most popular are:
  • Sakai
  • Boston / Franban
  • Jakarta Strait
  • Ambon
  • Calicut
  • Cape Town
  • Las Palmas
  • Cabo Verde
  • Istanbul
  • Aden Strait
I'm not saying this so you avoid these places. I know you won't because you can't.

The point is... be on lookout when you are in the vicinities. Search the sea area for pirates (Pirates can't go to private status) and if you find any follow the tips below.

Before setting sail

  • Keep your extra money in the bank. Only sail with ducats to pay your aides / crew.
  • Keep your valuable / plunderable items in the bank / quarters (No sailing around with a Alchemist Robe Ex ok?)
  • Use Blue Flags (Secret-No-War-Pacts) if you a complete pirate free experience. You also cannot attack NPCs when the blue flag is on.
  • Set your status to private in dangerous sea zones and watch for "piracy activity has emerged in these waters!"
    A player just got attacked by another player in YOUR sea area.

Gray Tactics

  • Logout if pirates are spotted or when running from one. It will likely not work if you are already running away (Most pirates have fully modded high end ships and best gear / equipments).

When attacked

  • Use Fine Tributes when attacked (They need to match the size class of the user, normally a "large" tribute will work for most people, but there is also Standard and small tribute).
  • If tributes are not possible I'm sorry but you will most likely get plundered. You may try to use EA, escape skill or kill yourself with your own mines (Mine laying).
Note 1: Tributes work in hostile waters but not in lawless.
Note 2: When you or a fleet member uses the fine tribute, you and every fleet member will lose half the cash you have at the moment, but no plundering will happen.

Damage Prevention

  • High storage skill counters plunder rank. 
  • Camouflage Hold gives a % of chance to be safe from plunder.
  • Have rescue skill or carry lifesavers with you (Timber for repairs and spare sails is a plus).
  • When the battle ends you get a "green flag" (Temporary immunity to player attacks which depends on the sea zone you are). This flag is reseted when you port or is attacked by a NPC.
    Click to enlarge
Note: Premium / cash (items, equipments, ship parts), captain’s bag, checks and consumables are safe from plunder.

NPC Pirates

Unlike player pirates we do not need to study the mindset of NPC pirates. They do not think and will act predictably.

First, there is the difference between visible and invisible NPCs.

Invisible NPCs

Invisible NPCs can be 100% avoided with caution skill (Any rank), area caution (pet skill) or high lookout (ship skill).

In case you are attacked use Tributes for Brigands (anywhere) or Ceasefires (only work in a few sea zones).

Note: Tributes work in hostile waters but not in lawless.

Visible NPCs

There are 2 ways you can avoid battle with a visible NPC.

The first one is keep a safe distance from him. In another words, outside the battle ring that would appear if you were the one to attack the nearest one. If you fail you may still use tributes to get out of trouble.

The second is raise your battle levels so they can't attack you.

Note: Not all NPC are born equal. Some require higher level than others. Luckily CA Gazi made a map with an approximate level requirement for immunity.

Pirate Evasion & Fooling

Would you like to learn state-of-the-art evasion tactics that...

...are so powerful that will make pirates look like fools?

Check my Evasion and Pirate Fooling guide (Available for patrons).



UWO Headquarters: How to Avoid Pirates (Player and NPCs)
How to Avoid Pirates (Player and NPCs)
UWO Headquarters
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