NA Railway Events & Company Investment

About the North American Railway

The American Transcontinental Railway is a railway that connects the east side of the continent with the west.

This shortens the time required when traveling to the western cities such as San Francisco as well as greatly assisting the transportation of Trade Goods.

You can use these railway routes to transport Trade Goods from East Asia to Europe, instead of taking the westbound sea route.

Railway Companies

There are 6 railway companies that you can use:
Click to enlarge

Investing in a company

You can invest into a company of your choice and receive various Investment Effects based off of the total amount invested.

Investment Effects include things such as:
  • Increase in the amount of Gold Nugget Appraisal in San Francisco, 
  • Additional railway destinations, 
  • Increase in the amount of transportable Trade Goods by railway
  • Increase in the number of EA goods during nanban
Note 1: You can invest in multiple companies.
Note 2: Can only invest once a day, unless you have a Railway Investment Request.
Note 3: You may invest up to 20m, unless you have a Special Large Investment Bond.
Note 4: You may increase your railway company perk if you have a Temporary Railway Sponsor Certificate.
Note 5: For unknown reasons, some effects listed as secondary do not take effect. Also, some effects do not stack to each other.

Investment Milestones

Exact milestones for each effect are unknown but the following conservative estimations are generally acceptable:
  1. 1m
  2. 100m
  3. 300m
  4. 500m
  5. 750m
  6. 1000m
  7. 1500m
  8. 2000m
  9. 3000m
  10. 5000m
Note: Each railroad has different milestones, treat the above as a guideline rather than a hard rule.

Railway Cargo Cap

Railway cargo capacity depends on the amount of investment in one (or more railway companies) and NA events (like free trains).

Unless there is an event going on, the following is the expected capacity (Per toon):
  1. 1430
  2. 1560
  3. 1690
  4. 1820
  5. 1950
  6. 2080
  7. 2210
  8. 2340
  9. 2470
  10. 2600
Note 1: Higher tier of investment means more cargo available for transportation.
Note 2: Number above is an estimation based on the most important railway company for trade good transportation. If you invested in more than one that favors transportation you will get different results.

Railway Events in North America

From time to time some important NPCs will show up:
  • Millionaire
  • Travelling Merchant
  • Cheerful Miner
  • Railway Executive / Director
Some will sell you the Mysterious Bonanza Boxes and other valuable items. Some will give you stuff, a recipe or allow you to invest in a railway company again.

And some NPCs will actually buy stuff from you for a much higher price:

Special Thanksgiving Festival

The most famous event that lasts 4 days. Well at least in theory as the first day starts at 8pm.

All railway company benefits are at maximum capacity. 

Some recipes become available at the Traveller in each city.

It is more famous, however, for its incredibly easy way of leveling adventure.

Other benefits

  • Increased tow permits in Boston daily.
  • 20% extra credits if you turn in your research in cities connected by the railway.
  • Increased experience and fame and selling trade goods.
More info:

Railway Festival

Free fare for trains.

Gold Vein Discovery

Digging for gold nuggets in the North America West Coast landing area becomes popular.

Also known as "Gold Rush".

You need to have unlocked San Francisco. After that just return to the landing point "North America West Coast" and you will be greeted by an NPC with a mini tutorial.

For more info check my mining tutorial.

Double investment

From time to time there will be an NPC next to the train guy requesting more investments in railway companies. Sometimes in Omaha, sometimes in Sacramento.
Talk to this guy after investing 1 time

Franban Day

Once a month there will be a day in San Francisco when you can purchase a random EA good without having to go through the nanban trade system.

The random EA good seems to be chosen among the hidden EA goods (Each EA city has one hidden product).

Check my franban guide for more info.

Updated list of Railway Events

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NA Railway Events & Company Investment
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