Land Battle Guide

If you are looking for a "newbie friendly" introduction to land battle you've come to the right post.

Land battle may take place in landing zones, dungeons but also in duels (Cities or during boarding in sea battles).


Land battle is surprisingly hard for a beginner. The stuff the game gives you in the beginning is almost useless in a fight.

In fact, I failed the land battle school tutorial TWICE when I first started. Imagine failing a tutorial? That's embarrassing...

Anyway, this guide will cover how to get started and win your first battle. Next it will show you techs and the specifics for the new land battle revamp (Attributes).

Before you start your first battle

Part 1 is divided like this:

  • Choosing your equipments
  • How to equip for battle
  • How to start and win your first battle

Recommended weapons

The first thing you need to do is get equipped. So I'll give you my recommendation and some options depending on your budget.

By the way, the equipments I'll show here are all player made. If you find a good premium equipment you are OK to buy it too!

100 atk weapons

Terra Amina is my favorite by far but they are only made when Atlantis is accessible.

Note: With the exception of the excalibur, the other weapons need to be improved or get a great success during production (Terra Amina).

Cheap weapons

Damascus swords are usually affordable too but I prefer the great axe (extra defense).

Weapon Deterioration

Weapons will lose durability with use and while you sail. It doesn't matter if you win the battle or not.

Weapons durability is repaired with a consumable called Master's Smithy Tools (MST). It only works with a weapon that has a category (Sword, axe, spear, bow, gun etc...).

Note: Weapons can have up to 125 attack power by using an item like Weaponsmiths Forging Tools (WFT).

Defense Equipments


100 def armour

Gold Plated armour are usually "cheap" enough for a veteran player. but if you are poor you can buy:

Cheap armour


100 def gloves

  • Fool's hands (Made by alchemist)

Cheap gloves


  • Gold-plated helmet (I've seen it go as high as 62 def)

Cheap helmet


100 def boots

Cheap Boots


If you are really rich you can buy a premium accessory otherwise I recommend you don't bother.

Defense Equipments Deterioration

Equipmens will lose durability with use and while you sail. It doesn't matter if you win the battle or not.

Durability (Except weapons) is repaired with a consumable called Master's Tailoring Tools (MTT).

Note on restoration: Some items (Accessories and decoration weapons) may only be restored by a tarot card like "The Empress" (also obtained from a silver tarot card).

Recommended Guide: How to Repair your Equipment

Note 2: Armour can have up to 125 defense power by using an item like Armoursmiths Forging Tools (AFT).

Healing Items

Most NPCs will restore their health when low and you should do the same.

Useful health restoring items:

  • Assorted Medications (Fleet / Multiple)
  • Assorted Ointments  (Fleet / Multiple)
  • Medications
  • Ointments
  • Secret Medication

They are also very cheap as they are bought from item / shopkeeper NPC in many cities around Europe.

Note: You can only set up 4 (during battle). I recommend you choose 4 healing items if you are just starting.

How to equip your items and gear


Character > Equipment. Or just hit "i" in your keyboard.

This video should help you navigate if you are still in doubt:

Land battle items

Click land battle items (Bottom left of the above picture) to register your healing items.

Yes, you can only use them in battle if you have previously appointed them. There is a limit for 4 (four) consumables types (200 each).

The consumables registered are on the right. Remember to hit the OK button!

If you are just starting in land battle, healing consumable items are probably your most important investment.

Note: The one on the top is only a backup equipment (You can switch weapons in battle).

First Battle

When you have some decent equipment it's time to battle NPCs to understand how it works.

If you are just starting out you should avoid high level NPCs. Low level NPC are level 10 or lower.

I recommend starting with low level NPCs in a place like Naples (Outskirts). It's the same place where the school tutorial used to be.

When you are in Naples you should equip yourself. You should store your equipment in your bank vault to avoid losing durability while you are at sea.

But first let's start by differentiating what NPCs you can and cannot attack.

You will notice that NPCs you can fight have a level next to its name. That's also how you should choose your first enemies, go for the weakest (Lowest number).

Start the battle by double clicking the NPC and hitting the double sword button.

When the battle starts, click the enemy to automatically hit him with your weapon and watch your heath bar.

Click one of the medicine if / when you need it.

If you are decently equipped the battle should be over in a few turns with your victory.

This is what a successful battle in Naples looks like:

Note: If you leave the battle circle the battle will stop.

The steps above should have given you enough confidence about how to fight and win a battle. However, to master this craft there are few extra things you need to learn (Part 2).

Now let me explain a few details about land battle: Techs and attributes.

Techs (or Techniques)

Techniques are like "player skills" but are only used during land battle.

Each weapon also has a set of Techniques that can only be used by that weapon.

How to learn techs

You must kill a NPC that used a tech on you. So it means you have to patiently wait him use the tech on you before you finish him off.

But how do I know which NPC has the tech I want? Check the tech list below. 👇

Note: You learn techs from NPCs based on the weapon you have (and NOT the weapon your enemy has). 

Counter system

There are three types of battle techniques: Power, Quick, Feint.

If an enemy has recently used a technique, you can use a different tech type to counter for bonus damage. The counter system is basically like rock, paper, scissors.

  • Power counters Quick
  • Quick counters Feint
  • Feint counters Power
  • Red counters Blue
  • Blue counters Yellow
  • Yellow counters Red
This is what a Red / Power looks like during battle (next to a player or NPC's name):

So if see that your enemy has used it, then you can counter it with a yellow tech on him for bonus damage.

Trade and adventure type techniques

There are also trade and adventure type techniques.

Trade type techniques require the Merchandise Knowledge skill. These techniques will boost the effectiveness of consumable items used in battle. Also called "item type" techs.

Adventure type techniques require the Trap skill. Basic traps can do some damage or put a status effect on the enemy, such as a type of stun. Also called "trap type" techs.


Battle type techniques do not have a single required skill to obtain. Instead they use a Finesse rank and other Maritime skills to allow better techniques to be learned.

Each weapon and color of technique has its own Finesse rank.

Techniques are generated randomly based on the total pool of available. The more techniques you have, the quicker they will generate.

Original Techs

Original techs allows you to combine 4 of your learned techs into a single one.

Note: There are certain combinations that work better than others. 

Master Techs

There are 7 master techs (Final Slash / Helm Breaker / Skewer / Lion Killer / Shadow Bind / Ethereal Quill / Blanket of Fire), one for each weapon category. Battousai has demonstrated their use in this video:

Tech Combos

Tech combos are specific sets of moves that cause a special effect. They combine techs, weapon attack, Item attack or Trap attack.


  • Adhesive oil + Throwing torch/Hell fire + 2 sword Quick Techs or 2 Feint Techs
  • Smoke Bomb + Lachrymatory powder + 2 throw Quick/Power techs
  • Lachrymatory powder + Hawks wing/Feather + 2 Range Feint Techs

Tech list, requirements & where to get it


There are 4 attributes that can strengthen or weaken your character in land battle:

  • Fire
  • Water
  • Earth
  • Air

These attributes are infused in your weapons and armor by "Pursuit Production".

When "Attribute Value" of the Weapon/Item slot and the Protector (Head, Body, Hand, Feet and Accessory) slots reaches a certain level, you will acquire a unique Tech known as an "Attribute Tech". 

This will also affect the damage you cause and receive during Land Battles.

For example, if your Weapon/Item slot has the Water Attribute and your opponent‘s Protector slots have the Fire Attribute, then you will inflict more damage than normal to them. In the same way, if your Weapon/Item slot has the Fire Attribute and your opponent‘s Protector slots have the Water Attribute, then you will cause less damage to them.

This table describes how each of the elements will interact with each other in battle:
Click to enlarge
  • Up red arrow = Advantage to the attacker
  • Down blue arrow = Advantage to the defender

Explaining the attributes effects in battle

  • The higher the Attribute Value of your Weapon/Item slot, the greater the amount of damage is gained or reduced depending on which way the arrow is pointing.
  • The higher the Attribute Value of your opponent’s Protector slots, the greater the amount of damage is gained or reduced depending on which way the arrow is pointing.
  • If your opponent has one or more upward-facing arrows and one or more downward-facing arrows against your Weapon/Item Attribute, the amount of extra damage that is gained or reduced will be determined by their compatibility and the differences between the Attribute Values.

Checking Your Attributes

Open your Equipment window in order to check the Attribute and Attribute Values of each of your character‘s equipment slots as well as any acquired Attribute Tech.

Attribute Techs

To check the strength and requirements for Attribute Techs, open your Techs window:

Attribute Techs can be further developed.

If the Attribute Value on any given slot reaches a True Value Requirement, that Attribute will unleash additional powers.

Note: By double-clicking on Attribute Techs, you can decide whether you want to use the Tech or not. Unused Techs will not be shown during battles.

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Land Battle Guide
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