How to Make Money in UWO (Quick and Easy Tips)

In this post I'll give you pratical tips to make lots of ducats in UWO.

Making Money in UWO

First of all, it's worth noting that just about anything you do in this game will make you a profit.

You shouldn't have a money problem if you just play buying and using npc stuff (ships, items, equipments).

But this is a MMORPG and you will most likely want to buy player made or premium stuff. And this stuff is VERY expensive when compared to NPC prices.

Why are things so expensive

As ducats are so easy to get, their value gets reduced just like any other commodity. It's a basic economic principle.

And it's not exclusive to UWO and not exclusive to ducats. Whenever something is abundant (Lots of people have it), less value people give for it.

And ducats are so abundand in UWO that developers have to put several "sink holes" in the game to drain it out: Check fees, city investments, mysterious boxes and so on...

TIP #1

I know you probably came here to learn about free ways to earn money in-game. However, the easiest and fastest way to make money in-game is not really "free" (More on this below).

TIP #1 is using your real money to buy UWC (UWO cash) and sell stuff players want.

The trick is... don't just buy what you think people want.

Watch what people want in merchant chat and offer them to sell it. Once the other player agrees to the price meet him and get the premium item "on the fly" (You should already have UWC available in your account).

Another option is to advertise what most people buy, like 50% speed boosters or captain tickets. Again just get it from cash shop once you close the deal with a player.

This tip is specially useful for maritimers (players) who do not enjoy trading to get money in game.

Note 1: Buying UWC is the right thing to do. It helps developers pays the staff / server bills and build new content. Please consider supporting even if you don't have to (because of the following tips).

Note 2: It's a good idea to ask for a PC (Price check) on the on going UWC : ducat rate, before making (or accepting) an offer. It varies over time (At the time of writing it is around 1uwc to 2 million ducats).

TIP #2

Before we dive into the "free" / in game money making tips, please note that nothing is free in this game.

You either pay for something with your real money or your time (by earning ducats in game or making it yourself). Earning ducats in game is a grind, most of the time.

TIP #2 is using the rare trade goods mechanic in your favor. Please go to my rare trade goods guide for details.

A company mate once claimed he could make 500m ducats in 1/2 an hour (30 min) using this game feature (8500+ cargo fleet).

While this bold claim may be true it probably won't be a recurring (rinse and repeat) procedure.

This is due to the built in algorithm that wants to prevent people from doing the same route over and over again.

The reason why this tip sits on top is because it doesn't have any real requirements like the followings will have. It means you can start it right away even if you are fresh out of school (and European port permits). On top of that I actually find it fun!

TIP #3

Buying stuff from players is expensive. But you wanna know the good thing about it?

You can also sell stuff to players for a high mark up price too!

TIP #3 is about selling Lumber to other merchant players.

Why lumber you might ask? Well... there is a high demand for lumber. Always.

Lumber is used in lots of recipes. It is also needed in high quantities.

Lumber is also available in many cities around the world. Check the link above for information.

From my experience, lumber is sold anywhere between 10,000 and 30,000 ducats each (10k to 30k). That's at least a 9500 ducats markup!

The best place to sell it is Seville, but other busy cities like London will likely have a market for it as well.

Sourcing tip

The best place to buy it is in a company colony. There is a company called "New_Horizons" based in Seville that sells it in their colony at 400+ units per PO (if you have R20 wares trading and Robe EX). Their colony is also close to Seville (Carolina).

Selling tip

The best place to sell it is in a company shop at Seville. You pay a 5% fee upfront but you can set and forget.

Note: There is 999 units limit per character.

Selling Price

It should take a month or more to sell it at 30k each and you should sell it within a day if you price it at 10k each. But again, it all depends on the market!


TIP #4

This tip requires you to sail all over to molucca islands in southeast Asia to buy spices (Nutmeg and Mace) from Ambon and Run and then sail back to Europe

You can also buy cloves from Ternate which also sells well in europe.

Spice from SEA sell for about 15k to 30k each in the market keeper. Players may buy it for around 35k each.

You should be careful with fires as spices is a flammable good. 

The advantage of this tip over the previous one is liquidity. It is easier (faster) to transform spices into money as you shouldn't sell lumber back to the market keeper.

TIP #5

If you are a high rank caster you can make MCCTs and LCCTs.

These are items that are not very easy to make but they are always in high demand by maritimer players.

To optimize your time you can get (collect) the white ore at the newfoundland north landing zone (White boulder landmark) and sail south to Garuda's and New_Horizons' company colonies. Both companies are based in Seville:
These companies are next to each other in Carolina region and you may sail between them to market reset (Less than 1 day distance if you are on a fully upgraded ship).

Garuda Sells iron ore (make iron from it) and Steel (Needed for LCCT). New_Horizons sells lumber.

MCCTs may sell from 25k to 60k each and LCCT may sell from 200k to 450k each.

Note 1: MCCT and LCCT are consumables. You can store them in your inventory, captain's bag, bank vault and quarter's storage.
Note 2: If you need help to grind this production skill check my casting guide.
Note 3: If you don't have access to those 2 colonies you can make them at kokkola or Cattaro (If Venice player). Each of those two cities have their own disadvantages and require investment.


TIP #6

One word: NANBAN

It's being designed to be ultimate profit maker. But it is also the hardest to master and has the longest distance to sail.

So it is not recommended for those that do not have a high cargo fleet and a fast towing ship for the looooooong trip.

The learning curve for nanban trading is also very steep.

That's why it is in the last spot. But if you meet the requirements you should start it right away:


Other money making tips

For Shipbuilders

Build popular ships (High in demand) or graded mat ships (Usually Large Carracks). 

The only drawback is that you cannot aide (or company bazzar) them. You have to leave a toon bazzaring the ships while you are afk.

Experienced shipbuilders may also earn billions of ducats by grading (fusing) and improving ships. You may also just rent / leach your shipbuilding skill to someone else for a fee.

Other Guides:

Most are outdated but are well written and should give you the idea of how to profit from it:

For Maritimers

For Adventurers

For Traders / Crafters

Short lived events

There are a few events that can help you earn a lot of money:

Company Contribution Cycle

A few items / consumables get highly demanded by company owners around 15th of every month. They will likely wipe out all units available in company shops for whatever price is asked in the first day. You could set up a aide bazaar (Or company shop) to profit.


People who buy stuff from players to sell it to other players (Without transforming it somehow) are called resellers. Some people hate it but it exists regardless. And it is very profitable.

I talk about reselling in this post in case you are interested to know how it is done and why it even exists.

Money Making Machine (MMM)

I did give a lot of money making tips and ideas in this post. However there is a better, smarter way to make money in UWO.

How about making up to 245,4 million ducats per 15 minute work?

Easy, fast and highly profitable. No bugs, exploits or TOS harmed (Totally legal).

This is how you can make the most money per unit of your time employed:

Note: This guide will quickly speed up the growth of any new player and completely fill all of the needs of an advanced (Late game) player. But, and this is a big BUT: MMM is not designed to pay for the top high end UWC battleship and the best UWC pvp gear (Stuff worth around 100 captain tickets). Also, as with any machine, it does take some time to set it up before you can start to reap the profits (Step by step guide provided).



UWO Headquarters: How to Make Money in UWO (Quick and Easy Tips)
How to Make Money in UWO (Quick and Easy Tips)
UWO Headquarters
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